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i've come to accept
and almost crave storms lately.
i suppose i just relate to them.
they give me raging anxiety,
just like i do.
they either arrive unexpectedly, unwanted, ruining people's plans;
slowly start to appear, encouraging everyone to hurriedly prepare themselves by sheltering inside the safety of their own homes;
just to avoid the
c h a o s.
exactly how they do with me.
but i get it.
no, really, i get it.
storms cause destruction, tragedy, and anger.
storms are so fucking angry.
they build up all this tension and keep it with them,
letting out little cries for help once in a while.
until they can't take themselves anymore
and have a complete
letting all the emotions, that have been boiling up,
holding nothing back.
not caring who they hurt.
or what other people are going through in their own lives.
because for the next two hours,
all they want people to hear is their cries.
and strikes of anger.
and the roaring of their heart just being
ripped apart slowly.

then it stops.
the atmosphere is unsteady,
everyone on edge for the next storm.

nothing happens.
it's just like nothing ever happened.
sure there's the aftermath,
but a little sunshine, pretty clouds, and rainbows distract everyone.
allowing them to forgive the storms outbreaks.
until the same exact cycle repeats itself,
the very next day.

          — if hurricanes were a person,
they'd be me

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