Chapter One

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*Edited and republished 6/27/2019*


In a town such as this, no one really expects anything grand or exciting. Our traditions keep us out of the house and the tourists pouring in all year to willingly hand over their hard-earned money. We have our Harvest Fest in the fall, the annual Winter Flea Market, a Flower Parade in the spring, and then the Summer Carnival. New England certainly has its perks, and its downfalls but we try our best up here to make this place feel cozy and welcoming. Despite what we claim, even Boston has a welcoming vibe for certain occasions... And I promise you that St. Patrick's Day is not one of those occasions.

But I didn't realize how much I loved the area until I had left for college in Pennsylvania and felt like an absolute fish out of water. Turned out not everyone across the country used the term "wicked" in every other sentence or had experienced an overcrowded Dunkin' Donuts after a Patriots win- whether they were for or against the result they all just wanted a free coffee. But being shunned for my sports teams wasn't exactly a highlight of my four years either, even though that was something I managed to cope with after a while. Nothing screams 'accept me' like Super Bowl Sunday and a Patriots jersey in Pennsylvania- even when they weren't even playing!

I had to admit though, I honestly missed college life down there. It was sometimes fun being the weirdo, the Northerner for once. Everyone to me was a Southerner- geographically speaking of course, and no one did winter like New England! It was strange to me, moving back in with people that were like minded, fast paced and very much to themselves. There's no place like Connecticut that was for sure! A small, but mighty state with cities and backroads, history, architecture, good old Yale, and some damn amazing food not too far away from my own front door.

Alright so maybe the front door of my parents' house. I was twenty minutes away from there with my own apartment in Manchester, glad to be by a giant movie theater and an Olive Garden for when I wanted to feel fancy on a budget with my roommates.

I just realized that my inner monologue had been rambling about stupid stuff for a while now. My face must've been doing that thing- that weird 'deep in my thoughts' thing it does that Alexis laughs at me for. Gen things it's adorable but then again, she thinks everything that I do is adorable.

"Sadie, lets go!" I heard a familiar voice break my thoughts and I glanced at the clock on the wall, standing up in surprised. I had been sitting here for almost ten minutes!

"Coming, coming sorry! I got distracted!" I called and fumbled around for my crossbody and my sunglasses somewhere on my crowded dresser.

"You have ten seconds or I'm leaving without you! Gen is already there! And it's snowing so it'll take me longer to get there!"

"I'm coming!" I insisted and ripped the door open, catching it a moment before it placed another dent in the wall. "I'm ready. Grab your keys, I've been waiting for this flea market all year!"

My smile must've been contagious in some way, Alexis' annoyed expression slowly began to mirror mine and we just stood by the doorway, squeaking excitedly for a few moments before she took my hand and pulled me through the door.

"It's my first time going to something like this. I'm so excited! What do you think we'll find there?"

"Not sure, some vendors come every year, most pick a pattern like every three years or every other year. There's this one hot cocoa stand that we must stop by. I've been going there since I was a kid." I glanced at her and chuckled. "It's rich and creamy and makes you ready for a nap!" I laughed and heard hers as well as we descended the stairs towards her car that was slowly being covered in light flurries.

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