Chapter Six

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I couldn't stop smiling after receiving her texts so soon. I was going to respond to her but in the middle of reading her final text, Caroline texted me as well and when I read her familiar name on the screen I felt gross with myself. I had a girlfriend and here I was, acting like I didn't. Acting like I didn't love her, like we didn't get together early in college and share an apartment right now.

I called her on a whim, guilt filling up my body at an alarming speed. It took her a few rings to pick up and even that made me feel bad- like she knew somehow that I was just unfaithful.

"Hey you, how's the flea market treating you this year?" She asked and I felt a small wave of calm. She sounded familiar, relaxed, happy to hear from me.

"Great, I've sold a little over half of what I brought. There's another forty-five or so and then I'll pack up. So hopefully an hour and a half, hour forty at the most."

"Perfect. I can get dinner started then! I love you, I'm so proud of you for finally putting yourself out there baby." Her words were genuine and I had to admit, they made me smile quite a bit to hear her praise. She always supported my art, my crazy ideas and stacks on stacks of half finished paintings; along with gallons of dried paint out on the back deck from knocked over cans and palates.

"I love you too Caroline. See you soon." She decided to end the call first hearing Mantis barking at the door- I remember being so surprised that she didn't judge me for getting a dog shortly after graduation and naming her after a Marvel character. She was more upset that I hadn't named her after her favorite character to be honest. I chuckled at the memory, shaking my head to myself as I continued cleaning up little by little.

I was surprised that I had a few more small purchases, custom coasters and some four by four paintings. It was a really good year at the market and I was pleased with myself. But focusing on that positive helped my break down go by far faster than expected and I decided you know what? Buy Caroline a bouquet... Partially to make me feel better about being a horrible boyfriend even though she had no idea- and because I did well today. I wanted to celebrate that with her and make her feel special about it too. She supported me so much, how could I not share this joy with her?

I sent a quick text, letting her know that I was packing up the car and bringing home a surprise. Last time it was a gold necklace and she thought it was a puppy that was crazy! She loved the necklace and cried a little but at the same time she cried because she didn't get a puppy. I sent a text immediately after, reminding her that no it was not another dog...

"Great year this year?" I heard behind me and turned around, half smiling at the owner of the stall next door.

"Yeah, way better than last year." I chuckled and held out my hand. "Brandon," I introduced and found out his name was Justin. He made pottery, that's cool. He grew up on the other side of the state and lives by New London now. Also owns a vineyard- damn this guys got it all...

"You should stop by sometime man, I can give you a tour and maybe curate some work. You were popular today that must mean something." He half smiled himself and I felt a wave of pride sweep over me.

"Hey man, thank you so much that's truly an honor." I thanked and gave him another firm handshake before sliding him a card. "Contact me anytime if you want to see anything specific. I'm almost done with a few pieces that might suit the vibe. Well, we'll see once I see it for myself." I shrugged and he nodded, pleased with himself as well. He found a local artist for his vineyard. Perfect. Gives me money and gives him customers. Which gives him money too ha!

We talked for a few more minutes before his wife, girlfriend- someone he was close enough with to kiss on the lips showed up and he wrapped an arm around her waist. We shook hands for the last time and they departed, leaving me absolutely sky high. But then the most insane thought popped into my head: was Sadie like a lucky charm or something in all of this? I didn't do nearly as well last year and I didn't even know she existed until today. And this year I sold the hell out of my inventory!

My hand automatically slid to my phone and then I paused- wondering if I should tell her. I just met this woman and I already thought of her as a good luck charm. That's insane she's a stranger! Who knows maybe she's like me, in a relationship but flirting with other people anyway because they're gross humans? Okay okay I'm being a little harsh on myself. Nothing besides that happened, I still have my Caroline and that's what matters. We aren't perfect, but we still love each other and I guess that happens to count towards something.

I hope.

Unexpected: A Year to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now