Chapter Seven

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He's what!? My mind was racing a million times an hour and that thought just kept coming forward again and again.

"Um, yeah..." Lex sighed and turned the laptop towards me so I could see. And there it was in big bold black letters: In a Relationship with Caroline Brext. Leave it to Alexis to cyber stalk someone I'm interested in but for once it's paid off. "I can't believe he was flirting with you and he's in a relationship that's gross." She shook her head and I turned away, a little hurt and confused. It had been a few days since our initial texting started, and we talked all day every day and not once did he ever tell me!

"Hey chickadees what drama am I kissing?" Gen asked as she walked in with a water in her hand and then saw my face. "Honey are you okay?"

"Brandon's in a relationship. And it's a strong one look at the photos! He posted that one last week." Lex explained for me and I just saw this dark cloud go over Gen's face and she slammed the water glass on the table, spilling a generous amount on her own hand.

"He's dead!" She announced. I looked at her and then looked at the table, feeling the overwhelming urge to avoid the subject.

"I'm going to grab paper towels." I announced, presuming that my voice sounded normal when in reality it was monotone, without life. Gen was fuming to herself and Lex just looked sad on my behalf. We had been texting non stop for days and he said nothing- not a damn word. I felt my body going through the motions of gathering the paper towels and walking back, kneeling by the table and beginning to sop up her mess.

"Think of it this way, it's only been a few days and that's nothing. No one got seriously attached and that's good! You found out early on honey." Lex have a small smile and I looked at her before pulling out my phone, feeling Gen over my shoulder.

"You tell him that he needs to shove his phone up his-"

"Woah there. I think we're all taking this too far!" Lex interrupted and I paused mid text to turn around and look at my Te best friends.

"Look, I'm going to confront him about this okay? Lex has a point it's been like four days. I can't know everything about someone in four days! So I found out early before any hard feeling could've been formed. Now I can crush them like a grape and be platonic with the guy you know?" I offered that as a solution. And Lex considered it, Gen shook her head and let out a long agitated sigh.

"Fine. But be careful." She finally warned after a moment and I looked at her, giving a nod before looking at Alexis.


"Eh, essentially what Gen said. Be careful Sadie. We don't want to see you hurt." A small smile accompanied her words and I couldn't help but smoke back.

"See guys? I'm adulting," I chuckled and stood up, leaving the mess behind as I wandered to my room and closed the door. There I sat, my phone on my hand with a half finished text and his painting staring at me on my wall. I took a final deep breath and read over what I had written and finally came up with a decent ending; reading it once more before hitting send.

•Hey, um so I just found out that you're in a relationship and I'm quite confused. We must've been giving off different vibes or something and one of us became misled. Obviously you're happy, and I don't want to come in the middle of that so why not just stick to something.... platonic?

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