Chaptet Ten

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I wasn't even sure why I agreed to come here. Maybe because I felt bad? Maybe because I wanted to see him? Connect, talk face to face? It's been two and a half months since we met back in December and I was still a little smitten with him even though I made sure to keep my distance. But here I was, chocolate cheesecake in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other, feeling hopeful yet incredibly stupid at the same time in front of his apartment door.

"Brandon?" I called, knocking gently with a knuckle, being careful to not lose my grip on the booze. I bit my lip nervously before opening my mouth to call out again after a few moments- but there he was in his drunken, heartbroken glory.

"Hi," he greeted, relief obvious on his face as he saw that it was me. "You came..."

"Ask and you shall receive. What are friends for anyway?" I smiled a little and passed him the bottle. "That's for sharing. Even though it looks like you decided to start the pity party without me." I arched a brow at him as he shrugged, his body language guilty as he stepped aside to let me into his space.

It was my first time in his apartment and it looked so much like I thought it would have. There were empty spaces and some furniture missing that I presumed belonged to Caroline but most of it was his. The walls were a stunning deep navy that reminded me so much of the pacific at night that I felt this strange sensation to touch it, hoping that it would swallow me whole and allow me to swim with the whales. The furniture was old, but held his vibe. You couldn't go wrong with a classic brown leather couch nowadays- vintage was in...

Allowing my eyes to scan the room I saw that every shelf held a knick knack of sorts- something that must've held a significance in his life which was kind of nice. And the walls were littered with artwork, some just copies of famous pieces but there were definitely originals from small name artists that he must've been drawn to- just like me with his work.

I finally stopped analyzing his home and wandered around until I found the archway to the kitchen and placed the cheesecake down on the table, trying to avoid doin what I had done in the living room before glancing down to see the cutest dog I had ever laid my eyes on sniffing at my feet, fluffy tail wagging slightly at the sight of a new human in their space.

"Oh my god puppy!" I exclaimed and it raised its head, staring at me with energetic blue eyes and a little grin that just nestled my heart into a puddle of love. I knelt down immediately, presenting my hand so the fur ball could become aquatinted with me scent and know that I wasn't there to cause harm before petting its head gently.

"That's Mantis. She likes people."

"I love her already!" I laughed and sat myself right on his floor, letting the adorable Australian Shepherd cover my face with kisses and affection. "So you named her after a Marvel character?" I chuckled and he shrugged, leaning against the doorway, swirling the rest of the scotch in his glass around. I looked at him, a small smile still on my lips as I took him in- like really took him in.

My god he looked like death.  He had lost some color on his face, and his eyes were red, far from tears and liquor. His poor nose was a little inflamed from crying and tissues- though my best guess was that he used anything nearby... They really had a messy breakup... I took a deep breath and stood up, adjusting slightly so I could still pet Mantis a little bit.

"Put down the scotch." I gently instructed, putting out my hand a becoming him forward so he could relinquish the glass. He seriously needed food and human interaction outside of his male friends. "Brandon." I said his name, my tone firm and I edged a brow at him.

"Fine," he grumbled and tossed back the rest of the glass before handing it to me- empty.

"Dude come on! Not cool!" I protested and sighed, placing it in the half full sink before walking away from them both to the cabinets, opening them all before finally finding some glasses. Next I rummaged for some silverware and came up with two forks.

He just shrugged at my protest and walked away, wandering towards what I presumed was his studio towards he back of the apartment. Good idea to concert a spare bedroom into your artistic sanctuary, you could get some privacy if you needed it- the closet for storage. Very crafty Brandon...

But I shook my head and grabbed the food, the forks, and the rest of my patience before following him to his safe place, holding a fork out to him and giving a small smile. "You need food..."

"I need Carrie." He grumbled and took an angry forkful to the mouth.

"Well, we can work on getting her back in your life once you've sobered up." I offered and took a small bite myself, watching him sympathetically.

"She'll never take me back Sadie. I know she won't..." he shook his head as I began to look around a little bit, taking in his artwork.

He didn't really have a style to call his own get, he seemed to dabble in anything and everything which was kind of cool- he just painted whatever came to mind. I stood up and walked towards the canvas, studying the still wet paint. "You were just working on this huh? Did I ruin your mojo?" I asked, tilting my head as I stared.

"No," he shook his head and came to stand beside me, watching me. "Drinking and painting sometimes goes hand in hand. Like this one." He pointed to the piece as he explained his process.

"The black and grey are my breakup. Just how I feel- I can't explain it at the moment... But the blue, I couldn't find a color that matches your eyes perfectly and this was close enough. They haunt me you know- your eyes. I used to see them after I'd drift to sleep, nothing creepy or anything like that but I just find them beautiful. They match your personality yet at the same time, they contrast it so much.

"You're incredibly kind, like right now you probably cancelled plans to come chill with my sad, drunk ass tonight. You care about people on such a different level than anyone else that it's refreshing yet also a little suffocating." He chuckled and I bit my lip, listening to him drunkenly explain how he saw me. If he remembers this once he sobers up, he's going to be so embarrassed! "They're so intense sometimes. Like when you talk about things that you like. When I first saw you, they were studying my painting so hard that I wanted to just sit and talk about other artists you liked, what made you fall in love with a piece. That basic stuff you know?"

I nodded, remaining pretty quiet just listening to him ramble for a few more minutes before clearing my throat. "What about the yellow?" I softly asked, glancing at him, unsure of how to read the situation. He was drunk, rambling, I wasn't sure if he actually meant anything that he was saying but I couldn't help and listen anyway.

"Your aura," he softly nodded to himself, confirming his simple answer. "It's bright, like sunshine through dark clouds after a wicked storm. You- just you make me smile. You make me feel better Sadie, you make me happy and I hate myself for it." He finally tore his eyes away from his work and looked at me, the vulnerable nature of the situation written all over his face; especially in his eyes.


"She left me because I couldn't help but fall for you."

Whoop there it is! The massive atomic sized truth bomb that made me go a little queasy to be honest. I wasn't expecting something like that to just fall out of his mouth but it did! Just like that!

"Oh God..." I whispered to myself, my eyes wide with guilt and fear as I took a few small steps away, trying to wrap my head around his partially slurred words. I broke them up, just by being in his life. As much as I wanted something with him- this wasn't how I wanted it to be some a reality.

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