Chapter Twelve

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The chemistry in the air was as evident as a building in the city. We both knew that it was there, and we both knew that it was. Even Mantis knew that something was sparking between us and simply laid at our feet, almost creating an invisible link for us. We finally tore our eyes away from each other and down at her as she looked from his face to mine, mouth in a smile and tongue hanging out happily. If she was rooting for us, then I'd be terribly guilty if I let her down...

"Hi Mantis." I smiled, kneeling before her and giving the lovable pooch a generous belly rub to diffuse the sparks. Her face nuzzled into my hand and she seemed at peace, Brandon and I were certainly far from that which wasn't exactly ideal- but it was reality.

"I think she likes you," He finally spoke after watching me for a few moments interacting with her and I sat back on the floor, finally bringing my eyes back up to meet his. As much as I enjoyed that electric current between us, it shouldn't happen.

"I hope you're right. She's an amazing girl," I half smiled and then looked back at her, leaning in to rub my nose against hers and received a few kisses in response. "Why thank you," I chuckled and glanced up at him again, his eyes intense as he watched me. I wanted to kiss him- have a moment with him but that wasn't in the cards. Well- in my mind it wasn't, in his it certainly was a hand to play. But I felt t smile begin to fade as I slowly stood back up, nervously brushing my hands on my jeans as I just stared into his gaze. He took a hesitant step forward, out eyes maintaining contact as he reached out in slow motion. Feeling his hand on my waist caused my breath to hitch in my throat and I felt my cheeks turn hot.

He had that look- the 'Im going to kiss you now,' look and god I wanted him to do it. I heard the small voice in the back of my mind screaming no, but I had a feeling that the alcohol I had consumed a few minutes prior would take care of that for me. I made the split second decision to allow my lust to consume me, even if it was just for a moment.

"Sadie," he murmured and my eyes flashed to his lips and then back up to his beautiful eyes that I could stare into for forever.

"Yeah?" I replied, my single word sounding weak as my voice cracked.

"I want to kiss you..."

"Oh," I replied, my brain hilariously forgetting how to form multi-syllable words or full sentences.

"May I?"

"Oh," I repeated and then my brain kicked itself and thought of a new word to say. "Yes," my face must've been bewildered or something of the sort because my own voice sounded that way. After a big fight like that, both is us in one way or another intoxicated- him more so than me, but nonetheless neither of us were completely sober. But I gave him a clear answer that was out of nowhere and I wasn't about to take it back because I did in fact want it to happen. Maybe not in this circumstance- but I wanted to experience his lips against mine in some fashion.

It seemed like time decided to slow down just enough to allow us to savor such a moment. He leaned in slow, I felt my arm move up until my hand cradled the back of his neck as his hand moved to hold my chin tenderly. Feeling his fingers against my skin caused me to let out a quick breath before our lips gently collided and I closed my eyes just to savor the moment. I could faintly taste the alcohol that stained his lips and his heart was about to burst from his chest- as was mine. But we were okay with it- our pulses racing and our hearts working overtime for this one moment to last a lifetime. A first kiss with someone wasn't something to forget, and we were sure that neither of us would forget something like this anytime soon.

But he pulled away eventually, his breath and my own were a bit labored and he had a bit of color on his cheeks. Mine must've been hot as well... My mind was reeling from electric kiss that had just transpired between us, my lips were tingling and my heart was racing- my fingertips felt on fire and I just smiled- it felt so natural and perfect in that moment to just smile.

"What?" He finally asked and I let out a chuckle before taking my time to respond.

"That was perfect," I softly acknowledged and I saw a smile begin to make its way onto his face.

"It was?"

"Well I've certainly never had a kiss leave me feeling like this." I admitted.

"How did it make you feel?" He asked and I half smiled, letting my fingertips brush against my lips as I let myself relive the memory.

"Like fire," I murmured. "But a good one- it was electric and filled my nerves with life. It felt- natural." I blurted, the words coming out before I could properly filter what I actually wanted to tell him. "And your lips, they tasted like booze." I laughed a little. "But I didn't mind it to be honest... It just seemed to add to the experience." I shrugged and he smiled wide enough to show some teeth before laughing a little himself.

"So what I'm hearing is that I should drunkenly kiss you more often," he hinted and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't confirm or deny anything." I began, "But maybe without being drunk next time..." I hinted and we both began laughing again.

Mantis noticed the now calm air between us and moved to jump onto his leg, tail wagging, tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth like the adorable princess that she was. She gave two prompt barks and then set herself back down on all fours. He nodded and smiled down at her a little before bending over to give a few scratches between the ears with some soft words of love. You always need to know how a man treats his dog- and he had such unconditional love for her that I couldn't help but smile myself.

"She's gotta go out, that's kind of her tell tale sign." He admitted and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he met my eyes. "Do you want to stay? Or we could take her for a late night walk..." he offered and I half smiled, nodding at the request.

"I have pepper spray in my purse," I chuckled. "But I think Mantis will be lore than enough protection for us." I knelt down once more and gave her all of my attention- receiving generous kisses back from her.

"I'll grab her leash then." He nodded and left us alone and I was a bit thankful so I could quickly gather my thoughts.

The kiss? Amazing. Best kiss that I had ever had. His lips were so soft and inviting- yet so different because it seemed like he cared, even through the alcohol he wanted to show me that he had feelings. That's a pro for sure. He was attractive, kind, he treated his dog like the queen that she is. They were all positive qualities but he had some that were um- questionable.

Like the fact that he fell in love with me, while with his long term girlfriend. That was bad; a con for sure. He let her walk away, you never let a woman walk away come on! Has he never seen The Parent Trap?! You chase after that woman even if it kills you!

But before my I'm mind could begin to create any more lists he returned with the purple leash in hand and she ran away from me to sit at his feet in earnest, panting excitedly while her tail was going wild. He hooked her up and I made sure that I had my phone in my pocket before following him out the door, curious to see where the night would lead us.

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