Chapter Four

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Our adventure of the day was coming to an end and that was honestly the last thing that I wanted to happen. We were exploring to or hearts' desire and the girls ended up finding some amazing antique finds for the apartment. Lex even found a local bakery half an hour away with the best bread that I didn't even know about. She purchased four loaves for us- they'll be gone by next week if we eat them slowly ha.

But I remembered Brandon- the painting. I had to go back. I couldn't just ghost him and not get it. I didn't buy a damn thing all day to afford this painting. It was still calling to me, it was all I could think about all day and I knew it had to be mine.

"Guys I have to get that painting,"

"Yeah we know. You've said it twice now." Gen chuckled and motioned for me to lead. I smiled a little and began making my way back to his booth, my girls and their treasures in tow. I felt my guy drop a little, my skin tingle slightly in excitement as I closed in on his booth, his gentle face still there as he chatted up an older woman about a painting worth much more than the one I wanted.

"I finished this a few months ago and I'm incredibly proud of it... I grew up by that lake actually so it was really hard capturing something that I knew so well. It's missing some details but the important ones are captured." He smiled as he explained and I noticed his gaze upon his own artwork- it was tender, full of love. He knew what he had, his talent and he used it to make himself happy that was it.

I stopped beside her and that caught his attention enough to have him shift his green eyes against mine and I smiled shyly.

"I've come back for my painting." I nervously chuckled and he got this big grin, holding up a finger for me to hold on as he continued to make his sale. This crazy old lady purchased this painting for almost three hundred dollars!! I guess my coming back for something was enough cause that made her want to purchase something. Concrete proof that word of mouth was still the best kind of advertisement....

But I waited patiently and let him take his time, my eyes following his hand as he handed her the same business card that had been keeping my mind occupied all damn day. Once she walked away, he turned his full attention to me, giving me a big grin that made his eyes crinkle again. I couldn't help but give him one back.

"Hi," He breathlessly greeted, a little nervous himself.

"Hi," I simply greeted back and added a little wave. "Still holding onto it for me?" I asked and he nodded, reaching behind him and pulling it forward. I let my eyes linger on his for a few moments before slowly bringing them down to look at the painting that was about to be mine. "I didn't buy anything all day so I would be sure to have enough..." My words just floated out of me, I didn't even realize I had spoken until he chuckled a little and placed it down on the mostly empty countertop in front of me.

"I guess you really wanted it then," he half smiled and I brought my eyes back up to meet his, feeling a little bashful.

"Yeah, I guess so..."

I began reaching for my purse that had made it's way to my backside for the cash and he slowed his movements, watching me. I paused for a moments, my fingers playing with the zipper, not wanting to make this conversation end so soon.

"So um, did you sell a lot today?" I asked, barely opening my purse.

"Yeah actually, sold some really high ticket painting which was nice. That helps me purchase supplies and whatever it leftover will go towards a down payment on a studio." he explained and I became once again, very interested in this strangers' life.

"Oh a studio? That's awesome Brandon." I smiled, actually a little happy for him. A studio would mean more space to be in his element, he could hold his own intimate showcases there and really hone his skill- even though he was quite proficient in it already.

"Thank you." he nodded, the small smile shy but genuine in his thanks. I finally opened the zipper completely, reluctantly moving on with the conversation. "So you said that it was one hundred even right?" I asked and he nodded, reaching behind him for an old fashioned receipt book.

"Yes I did," he nodded and began writing, his words small and neat on the page in his hand.

"Here you go." I nodded back and held out the five twenties, the light bills feeling a bit heavy in my hand. He extended his and brushed his fingers against mine as he slowly puled the money from me and placed it down on the counter. His eyes were intently watching the transaction as mine were intently on his face, taking it all in. He was handsome, I'd give him that much. I would be absolutely shocked if he was single but then again, dating just wasn't for some people. Or maybe he hadn't found the right person...

"Thanks, and here's the receipt. I'm old school sorry." he chuckled and handed me the yellow copy of the hand written receipt. I began tor each out again to take it and his arm paused halfway for a second before sliding back in his direction. I halted my movement, chuckling a little.

"Forget something?" I asked and he just chuckled breathlessly in response, his pen on my copy of the receipt for a few moments before handing it back to me. I took it, glancing down to look at his writing and noticed in bold black numbers- a phone number. His phone number.

That was a smooth move... Very smooth...

"Your number I suppose?" I asked with a small smile and he shrugged, a little pleased with himself.

"You intrigue me." he simply responded and I was definitely taken aback by this comment. No one had ever said something like that to me before and I didn't really know how to handle it.

"Um..." I blinked a few times, trying to gather my thoughts and he became nervous, afraid that he had offended me or something.

"Well- what I mean is that um... That came out weird, I'm sorry." he apologized and I shook my head, holding up a hand.

"Please, don't worry about it. I'm just weird with compliments." I admitted and chuckled nervously. "It's totally one of those- 'It's not you, it's me,' type of situations."

"Oh," he looked down, and I couldn't tell if he was relieved or maybe even disappointed at my confession. I finally looked away and tried to study something else, something far away before noticing his head moving in my peripheral vision. He moved to begin tenderly wrapping my painting and I slyly shifted my gaze back to watching him because I mean- he intrigued me too! I never would've imagined that someone like him would ever be interested in someone like me. But here I was, at a local flea market in the dead of Winter, horribly flirting with a guy who just sold me a painting that was interested in me already as well.

We remained silent for a minute or two as he wrapped it well, the sound of layers of tissue paper being transported brought my attention back to him. His fingers brushed mine against he handed me my new painting and I lingered there for a second, feeling on reason to break this small moment of physical contact with this amazing stranger.

"I hope you find a great spot for it at your place." he smiled a little.

"I'm hanging it somewhere close to me, so I can look at it every day." I admitted without thinking and looked down nervously, biting my lip.

Unexpected: A Year to RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora