Chapter Eight

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I ignored him for a few more days. Mostly because I need the space to clear myself of any romantic thoughts that had begun creeping up into my conscious. Brandon had a girlfriend, who Lex cyber stalked once a day now. It was kind of obsessive, but then again she was still a little salty about him keeping such an important matter from me. But at the same time, I had to ask myself if I would do the same.

Genevieve claims that we were just captivated with each other, she could tell. The chemistry between our bodies was undeniable and I couldn't help but agree a little with her. I typically shied away from people who flirted with me but for once, I initiated everything. I found a way to get his number, to find out his name. She noted that I had unintentionally shifted my body language as well. I seemed flirty yet shy, almost guarded but not enough to dismiss his advances.

Damn she notices a lot about me... I thought and let my fingers pause slightly on my keyboard, blankly staring at my half finished work. "What else for the world notice about me?" I softly asked myself until my phone chimed and pulled me from my spiraling thought process.

~Are you avoiding me forever?

Brandon... He broke the silence first, was that a good sign? I thought I wanted to break it first but I guess he couldn't want for me to make up my damn mind just yet.

•No. Not forever...

•Just until I felt like you had been punished long enough

~Do you think I've been punished long enough? The radio silence is killing me

•Yeah, I think five days is long enough. I don't want you to think I died or anything

~If you died, I'd probably come and take my painting back

•Hell no I paid for that in cash! I still have the receipt!

~True, I still have my copy too for my records. But mind it could magically disappear if I really wanted it to...

Oh this is just mean. You withheld important information from me, that deserved some form of a punishment. Plus I was working anyway.

•Not all of us can pursue our dreams as our career

~Why not?

Mine pays horribly.

~So does mine

•That was my only argument. You win

~Thank you

•I'm actually in the middle of work. Can I text you when I'm done?

~I guess so :)

•That wasn't a request. I'll text you when I'm done.

I put my phone screen side down beside me and went back to my screen. Talking to him again, almost like we used to before this truth bomb exploded and it was fueling me a little bit. I wanted to push my work aside and pick up my phone again, keep the conversation going. Initiate a FaceTime session just to see his eyes again and hear his laugh- hope to say something funny enough to cause his eyes to crinkle in amusement while I buried my face in my pillow because I thought it was stupid. I admitted to myself yesterday that yes there was something there, but I wouldn't allow myself to pursue it. I had hoped he made a similar if not the same pact with himself. He had Caroline and I wasn't going to destroy that- it wasn't my style.

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