24 One step to a thousand miles

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

– Lao Tzu

– Lao Tzu

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June 21

It was a late Friday afternoon when my plane landed at Oslo Gardemoen Airport. I let the business travelers rush past me, while I readjusted the fit of my clothing on my body. I lifted my beige, floral bohemian skirt to check that the laces of my Doc Martens were still tied.

I then switched off the fly mode on my phone and waited for the service to be restored.

Heck, I was nervous. It had been nearly six months since I last saw Sven.

I checked my phone screen for any messages or missed calls from Sven.

Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

I swear, I would release a bowl of fire ants on his crotch, then bury him alive if he was ghosting and dumping me.

Better yet, make him stand with both his arms stretched out for twelve straight hours, no break. It sounds easy, but it's actually cruel torture. I learned that from a documentary I watched about prison mafia bosses.

Once I was past the immigration control desk and collected my luggage, I stood under the green "Nothing to Declare" sign and stared at the arrival doors ahead of me.

Was he going to turn up? I was internally hyperventilating, but I held my breath and was about to walk through those doors.

One step.

Two steps.

The doors slid open.

Three steps.

Four steps.

I was now standing on the other side of the arrival doors, ready to learn the truth about Sven.

Take a deep breath, I told myself.

Close your eyes.

Now sigh.

Release the tension.

Open your eyes.

My eyes adjusted to the natural brightness of the sky, which shone through the windows and lit the airport arrival hall.

I quickly scanned the yellow signs hanging high in the hall, pointing arrows for the directions to the train station, car park, bus stop, and taxi queue.

I was attempting to avoid the disappointment of possibly not seeing Sven amid the others in the crowd waiting for their loved ones.

However, I had to face reality. I could either glance at the crowd for Sven, or I could walk past and follow the signs toward the train station.

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