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"JIMIN-SSI!" I yelled, tumbling out of bed and tripping my way across my messy room and out the door.

"WHAT?!" Jimin yelled back.

"I'M GOING ON A MAYBE DATE THING WITH TAEHYUNG AND I NEED SOMETHING TO WEAR I'M FREAKING OUT OH MY GOSH WHAT DO I DO?!" I said in one big breath, finally reaching Jimin in the living room, having tripped over nine million obstacles on my way here.

Jimin and I have been getting closer ever since the party. He's actually a pretty fun guy to hang around. Plus he's best friends with Taehyung so he helps me out in that department.

Having heard my words, Jimin popped up off the couch in excitement. "Oh! What?! Really?! OH MY GOSH WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE LET'S GET YOU READY!" The shorter male said, jumping up and down, screaming at me with his tiny fists.

This Hyung will be the death of me. But that'll be after I get married to Taehyung and have his babies. LET'S GO GET READY!

Jimin went through my whole closet. By the end there were clothes strewn everywhere. You thought my room was messy before? Nah fam. You wouldn't even know this was my room. It's like the tasmanian devil and the old woman from that show Hoarders decided to have a playdate in my room. Jimin will be cleaning this mess up.

One messy room and a very stressed out boy later, Jimin was finally happy with what I was wearing. Casual, but not too casual. So it's like, I'm trying, but effortlessly. You know? Because technically this isn't a date, but it's a friendly gathering. A hangout between two friends who may or may not like each other but don't have the guts to say anything...a hangout.

"Oh my gosh wait but what if he thinks I look ugly?" I panic, fussing with myself in the mirror.


"OW!" I exclaimed. He freaking slapped me?!

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked not too happily, rubbing my sore cheek. I looked in the mirror to see a tiny little handprint forming. What the heck? I'm supposed to look good today not like I got in a cat fight with a dwarf!

"You need confidence!" the shorter yelled at me. "I was hoping to slap some into you!" he exclaims, hands on his tiny little hips.

"But . . . that really hurt hyung!" I whined. "And now he's going to wonder why I have a handprint on the side of my face! He's going to think I'm a thug! Or a member of the mafia! Oh no Jimin I can't do this. Not today. I'm not ready. I can't go. So many things could go wrong. This will be the first time we've hung out by ourselves . . . oh no. nope. no. I'm definitely not doing this..." During my mini little freak out of me pacing and stumbling across my messing floor for the next three minutes, I failed to notice Jimin recording me.

"And sent!" he said happily, holding his phone in the air.

"Jimin . . . " I trailed off.

"Yes darling?" he replied, sweetness and innocence radiating off of him. Oh that little demon child how I'm gonna-

"What did you send?" I asked in a higher voice, as if I were talking to a child, trying to contain my anger.

"Oh you know... your little freak out," he said, still with the innocent little smile. I am three seconds from ripping that thing off of hi-

"To whom?" I asked, a small smile playing on my face, batting my eyelashes. My voice continuing to get higher the longer I held my anger in.

"Oh you know . . ." he responded, shrugging and slowly backing up towards the door. Only for me to follow, taking short, slow steps.

"No, I don't believe I do," I said courteously. "Please educate me." The smile hasn't left my face once.

"Um . . . Taehyung?" he said as if it were a question.

"Ahh . . ." I said quietly in acknowledgement, nodding my head.

I put three fingers up where my hands were still hanging by my sides. Jimin noticed and looked down, gulping as I put the first finger down, stumbling his way across the piles of clothes to my bedroom door.

I put a second finger down, the smile disappeared from my face, replacing itself with one of rage. He ran. This hyung may be small, but he's got some speed. I put down the last finger and bolted after him, sparing his life by one second as he shut the front door to my apartment.

"Bye Kookie I hope your date goes well!" I hear from behind the door.

Again... Why did I let him become my friend?

I should've stuck to my close group of friends. I don't need more.


I looked down at my phone and opened the notification.

Guys look what I did!

Hoesuck:Guys look what I did!

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Never mind. I need new friends.

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