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Tae: you may have blocked me on Twitter, but you forgot to block me on iMessage, so what's wrong? What did I do?

Block Tae?
Yes No

Kookie: you told me you like me...
but u have a boyfriend now?
how long did you plan on leading me on?

Tae: you think-
that I-
am dating someone-
that's not you?

Kookie: obviously.
that's what you tweeted about.
"Single life, can't relate"
wtf taehyung?
why would you do something like that?

Tae: are you serious?
I was talking about you
I guess I just assumed that since we confessed to each other that we were dating
Guess I assumed wrong...
I'm really sorry

Kookie: so...
u were talking about me?

Tae: obviously

Kookie: oh...
so, are we dating then?

Tae: if you want to . . .
do you?
want to date me i mean

Kookie: i mean...
do you?
want to date me?

Tae: I asked first...
but I mean of course I want to, I already thought we were dating

Kookie: yes.

Tae: fr?

Kookie: yes, for real.

Tae: so you're my boyfriend now?

Kookie: yes...
And you're mine?

Tae: of course💜

Kookie: awesome💜

Tae: so like . . . can you unblock me now?

Delivered 7:55 pm

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