Chapter 3 : Can't Seem to Give Up

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The next day, Liam wakes up alone. Which has no sense, because Doniya told him that Zayn slept in late and wouldn't wake up early even if it was the last day of his life and the apocalypse threatened to level the Earth.

Liam turns to look at the clock. To say that it's early would be an understatement. It's 7:30 a.m. and that's early, even for Liam. He has no idea what dragged Zayn out of bed at this hour.

He sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. He can't sleep anymore, either. Too many things are bugging him this early and that kills the need for sleep.

That's why he gives up on trying and gets out of the bed, groaning at the heat. Zayn left the door to the balcony opened and all the hot air from the outside got inside the room. He goes to it and slams it shut, heading into the shower to wash away the sweat clinging to his skin.


Once he's freshly showered and dressed, he takes the familiar path leading to the beach. The air is hotter than he expected and he craves the cold water that the sea provides, but he forgot his swimming shorts and he'll have to wait for it later.

He takes the path he took the night before, breathing in the scent of salty water and enjoying the way his feet disappear in the sand. He notices his mom and the girls swimming near the shore. His mom is laughing while holding onto Safaa, probably to take care of her since she's the youngest. She looks so different, Liam thinks. He gets it better now, how much she misses Nicola and Ruth. It was like this every year when they were still at home, but since they moved out it's just been the two of them and it wasn't quite the same. He smiles at the view because it's heartwarming.

"Liam." Trisha calls out to him and he turns his attention to her, smiling immediately. "It's nice to see you out of bed this early." She says and he approaches her and sits beside her on the sand, facing the sea.


"Morning, sunshine." She says. "Is my son even thinking about getting out of bed today?"

Liam's brow furrows in confusion. "He wasn't even in the room when I woke up so I think he's already up."

"Really?" Her eyes widen and Liam can't help but chuckle a little at her expression. "That's nothing like him."

"Yeah, well." Liam says lamely, switching his eyes to the girls. His chest feels tight when he speaks up again, because this feels more than awkward. But Liam needs to know. "I thought I knew him, you know?" He says. He can feel Trisha's eyes on him and he continues. "Doniya didn't change at all. She's still that same protective big sister that she was when we were kids, the same words and giggles and the same fond looks. But Zayn?" Liam shakes his head. "I don't even know what I expected, but this is surely far from it. He's just so different and I don't know how to act around him." He confesses.

Trisha sighs and Liam turns to look at her again. She's gazing at the sea, profound sadness in her eyes.

"He was such a lovely kid, remember?" She says and Liam nods, because he does. "He was never loud like Doniya, or a riot like Safaa is. He was shy and quiet, but confident at the same time. There was that special shine in his eyes, as cliché as it sounds." She laughs a little. "But then his dad died." She turns to look at Liam and his throat clenches. "They were inseparable, Zayn and him. He taught him everything, from how to make his favorite dish and how to play footie. To draw, too. It was one of the many things they had in common. When my husband died, everything came crashing down and that little boy vanished from thin air." She says. "You know, sometimes I think it was my biggest mistake taking them away from home. From you, Liam." Liam looks at her confusedly. "You were such a good boy, Li. You dealt with your father leaving so well. You stayed strong and sane and I know you'd make it all better for him as well and you'd ground him." She finishes.

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