Chapter 4 : No Matter What I Want

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He runs as fast as his feet can carry him. He knows he needs to get there on time or it might be too late.

His lungs hurt from the exertion, but he doesn't give up. The ground seems to be slipping away under his feet and the way home seems much longer than he remembers. The little box that he's clutching in his arms feels like it's going to slip away from his sweating hands and he fights against it, pulling in closer.

One more block and he'll be there.

He almost crashes into an old lady on the corner, but he can't stop to apologize even as she shouts after him.

Six more houses. His breathing his ragged and his heart is jumping out of his chest.

Three more. He sees the car in front of his house and his mom and Trisha clutching onto each other tightly.

A few more feet and he stumbles in front of his house, his cheeks flushed and sweat on his forehead. The two women pull back and turn to face him.

"Li!" Karen says, tears evident on her face. "Where have you been, boy?"

"I..." Liam gasps. "I had to bring this." He lifts the box with his trembling hands.

Trisha can't contain the sob that escapes. She kneels down, drawing Liam into her arms and he clutches her closer, returning the hug.

"You are a good boy, Liam. Never let anyone change that about you." She says and Liam nods into her neck, feeling his own tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Please don't go." He begs. Trisha pulls back, shaking her head. "There's nothing more that I wish than to have things be the way they were before, but I can't change what happened." She says mournfully. "I wish we could stay to, but we have to leave, sunshine."

"When will you come back?" Liam croaks.

"One day."


"I swear, love." Trisha says.

"Can you..." He cuts himself short, but she understands. She takes the box from his hands and smiles softly. Then, she fits a kiss on his forehead and gets up.

After she gives his mom another hug she gets into the car.

Doniya sits in the back of the car, her head hung low as she smiles sadly at Liam. She's cradling a sleepy Safaa in her arms while Waliyha's already asleep next to her.

He returns the smile and wipes away the tears that threaten to fall again.

He's sitting in the front, with an emotionless face. Liam's heart breaks at the sight. This is not what he's used to see when it comes to his best friend, but it's a harsh reality.

Zayn hasn't said a word since the funeral and he only ate when he saw Doniya cry and beg for it. He showed no emotions at all. Liam though he was going to break and cry, but Zayn only entered some state of shock and then resignation. He was another person and Liam didn't know how to act around him anymore.

He'd like to come up to the car and say something to him, but Liam is out of words.

Instead of that, he stands still and watches Trisha drive away. He feels his mom come up to him and hug him as they look after the car.

At the last moment, as the car's about to turn on the corner, he sees a little boy his age bolt up from his seat as he turns around swiftly to catch Liam's eye, teary-eyed.

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