Chapter 7 : My Heart is More Bruised Than Your Lips

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When I'm losing my control the city spins around

You're the only one who knows, you slow it down.


Liam feels a movement that he knows he didn't make, but someone who did is too close and that is not what he expected. His eyes blink open swiftly and he looks down.

Zayn has an arm draped over Liam's chest, where Liam's is still curled around him. Their legs are even more intertwined than Liam remembers. He looks so peaceful and calm that Liam feels a sudden pang of jealousy because Liam sure doesn't feel like that.

His brain is still fogged up from sleep, but slowly it all comes rushing back to him. Zayn painting the day before, the dinner when he almost choke on every bite of his food, the way he ran away from everyone and crawled into his bed to relax. The lump in his throat returns and his blood cools when remembers the way Zayn came into the room and crawled into their bed. The way he kissed Liam when he wanted to run away after what he did.

Liam swallows thickly. They kissed. And if you ask Liam, it was the most spectacular kiss he's ever had and it's going to be very hard to erase it from his mind.

But he feels wrong, because he knows that this only made things worse than they already were.

His senses are in chaos and his mind is a rushing tornado of unfamiliar words and restless feelings which twirl around in his head, making him feel uncomfortable and nauseous.

Without a second thought, he jolts away from Zayn and jumps out of the bed like it burned him.

Zayn shoots up in a sitting position immediately. His eyes are wide with shock and surprise.

"What the hell?" He asks, his voice raspy and thick with sleep. Liam doesn't answer. He goes to stand by the window, staring at the endless water like it contained an answer and a solution to this. "Liam." Zayn snaps, trying to get his attention, but Liam stays in place, quiet.

Zayn groans frustratingly and falls back onto the bed. It's quiet for a few minutes, the only sounds in the room being their shallow breathing. Liam spares Zayn a look.

He is staring at the ceiling, sleep long forgotten. There's a frown on his lips, his brow furrowed in confusion. Liam knows that Zayn is being quiet only because he is giving Liam time, or an out, Liam is not sure. But that would be easy for someone, to act like nothing happened at simply move on with their life. Not, for Liam, though. He needs to talk about this, because he feels like it's going to blow up in his face.

"What happened last night shouldn't have happened." He says quietly, trying to keep his voice firm. He feels Zayn's eyes on him again, but he goes back to looking out the window because it seems easier. "It was a mistake and it won't happen again."

Zayn snorts. "This is so like you. Whatever Liam, it was just an experiment. We don't have to talk about it."

Liam turns to look at him. He raises his eyebrows questionably. "We don't?" He asks hopefully.

Zayn shakes his head. "We don't. It doesn't have to mean anything, Liam. So calm the fuck down. I don't want anything from you." He says firmly, but Liam cringes at his tone. He can't help but notice something like hurt on Zayn's face. Liam only nods in response, not being able to come up with an answer.

The serious expression is gone from Zayn's face suddenly, replaced with his signature smirk that makes Liam's heart jump in his throat.

"You're a good kisser, I must admit. Loved the technique." Zayn teases and Liam groans in response, hoping that the room is not light enough to show the blush on his cheeks.

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