Chapter 8 : Save Me

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Come on, then. Soothe the burns and bruises you left behind on my skin. Trace the scars with your fingertips and don't mind the way I tremble underneath your touch. I'm just afraid, I reckon. I'm scared that you might leave more of those marks on my soul than you did on my body. Afraid that I might let you do it or even beg you for it, because it seems like a better idea than you leaving.

Use everything in your power to save me, not destroy me. Even when I'm sure you are capable of both.

Let me breathe and don't take my last breath away. Try and breathe with me instead.


This is home, Liam thinks. The weather is warm, but the air and the sun don't burn his skin. He is not surrounded by cold, endless water anymore. Instead of that, all he can see right now is what he craved the most over the summer. He smiles at the view.

Harry is lying on the grass next to him. Tight jeans hug his body perfectly, leaving nothing to imagination and Liam fights an eye-roll. The white-brown shirt hangs loosely on him along with the necklaces he always wears. Few buttons a-on the top are a undone and familiar tattoos are peeking out, screaming for attention even if Liam knows that they are there for a very private reason. He knows that one of the birds is smaller than the other one and Harry loves that one far more than the other one. Not that him and Louis are private with anything in their relationship. Liam still can't forget the numerous conversations on their sex lives he had to listen to even if he begged to be excused from them. The curls are still brown and wild, as Louis doesn't let him cut it. He's wearing a fond smile on his lips, the dimple on his left cheek dragging the attention away from the piercing green eyes.

Niall is sitting in front of him, his legs intertwined. The guitar Liam brought for him from Greece sits perfectly in his hands and Liam smiles at the way that Niall keeps touching it delicately, like he is afraid he might break it or something, even if Liam knows that Niall was born with a guitar in his hands. His hair is longer than at the beginning of the summer, the artificial blond hair almost completely faded away, replaced by his natural brown color. He's dressed in loose blue T-shirt that matches his eyes and tight jeans that look more like Harry's than his own. Liam smirks because he probably borrowed it a few months ago and never really gave it back. Not that Harry would mind, Liam is remembers. Niall's shoulders shake with laughter and his laugh is just like Liam remembers. Round cheeks on flame, eyes squeezed shut and his laughter loud and carefree, just like him.

All Liam has to do to see the reason of his laughter is to turn his head to his left. His breath hitches a little, but he firmly slows it down before he makes a sudden noise to avert the attention to him.

He missed Louis the most, but he's not going to admit it to the bastard. Louis Tomlinson is a constant, rushing tornado in his life ever since they were kids. He was always the loudest of them all, for a start. He had the bluest eyes Liam had ever seen, the wild, but soft brown hair he wore with pride and the everlasting smile that had broke everyone down without even trying. With no regard for rules, always getting himself and everyone else in trouble, forever late everywhere he had to go, one would think he was a bad person. But none of them were there when Louis was there for his friends and family. He defends them with a fire and determination Liam has never seen on someone. When he was like this, though, it's a side only some people are blessed to see. The way he smiles softly and chuckles lowly, like it's a secret. The way his eyes crinkle in the ends just like Liam's.

He looks the same, just like Liam remembers, except for a few more tattoos scattered on his forearm and the 'It is what it is' on his chest and the soft brown hair pulled up into a messy quiff. But Liam knows where he got that from. Louis looks up suddenly and meets Liam's eyes. He smirks knowingly at him and Liam blushes helplessly.

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