Kissing the Teacher, Oops...

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Narrator's POV

Harry James Potter sat on the Professor Oscuro's desk after class every single day, his peers all thought that he was either the teacher's pet or was a troublemaker.

Harry giggled at the thought, technically, he was both, after all didn't snogging the teacher count as making trouble, even if it was only after class when they were alone.

"What's so funny, love?" The Dark Wizard in disguise asked his soulmate

"The fact that you're more interested in snogging me senseless than heading the ever growing stack of papers on your desk." Harry smirked, glam icing at the large stack of passers sitting on the desk next to him

Tom looked to it as well, "Maybe I should stop assigning homework for the rest of the week so I can catch up."

Harry rolled his eyes, "It's Friday, dummy, there's no more class this week."

"I'm aware, love." Tom smirked, "Which is ample time to finish grading and then snog you in the hot spring."

"What hot spring?" Harry asked, his head tilting cutely

"The one on the Chamber, of course." Tom answered, seeing the confusion remain in Harry's face, "You have been going there all last semester and you never noticed it? It's just down the hall from the bedroom."

Harry felt stupid, he had noticed the faint steam coming from down the hall in their but hadn't explored.

Tom kissed the unsuspecting Harry's lips, "Though I have noticed you haven't turned in a single assignment."

Harry blushed, "Well, Professor, you're to blame for that. Keeping me after class until dinner to snog me, how can I possibly find time to do my essays."

"But you do for your other classes? I've already asked." Tom asked, knowing he caught Harry

Harry's blush deepened, "Well, I...well-"

Tom kissed Harry's nose, "Just because I'm your soulmate doesn't mean you don't have to do anything in my class. Catch up on your work or I'll be forced to spank you."

Harry pouted, moving from the desk and onto Tom's lap, "What if I want you to spank me?"

That stopped Tom dead in his tracks, as well as cause his pants to tighten uncomfortably, but he soon regained his composure but not his comfort, "Then I'll take your broom instead."

Harry gasped softly, "You wouldn't."

"I could and will if your grade falls below Acceptable and into Poor, Qudditch is a privilege in this school, your education comes first." Tom informed

Harry scoffed and stood up, pushing away from him, "I can't believe you."

Harry stormed out of the class and slammed the door behind him, Tom standing and quickly following but it was too late, they already had their first fight and he couldn't take back what he said.


Harry ran back to the Gryffindor Boy's Dorm and closed the curtains to his bed, crying into his pillow.

Why would Tom threaten Qudditch? He knew it was his favorite thing in the entire school.

He avoided his boyfriend all weekend, walked away from him after meals and avoided him in hallways and didn't go down into the Chamber.

He spent his weekend almost always on the Qudditch Pitch, frequently seeing Tom watching him, waiting for him to come down but he just flew higher.

But alas, he couldn't avoid Tom forever and went to his last period on Monday, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

He listened during class but he didn't look at Professor Oscuro the entire time.

"I will be passing back grades today, class, if you have any questions regarding them, speak to me after class." Professor Oscuro said, passing out a sheet of parchment to each student

Hermione grinned when she saw that her overall grade was Outstanding and saw nothing but O's as her month worth of individual grades.

Harry saw the paper on his own desk and saw an Outstanding as well, all the papers he hadn't turned in and the ones he had were graded as perfect.

No one had anything below an Acceptable except Ron, but that was expected since Ron skipped class at least once out of two times they had this class a week.

After class, no one had any problem with their grades but Harry was confused and stayed behind, he held his paper towards his soulmate and had a hand on his hip, "What's this about?"

"I thought you wanted me to pass you." Tom said, looking at Harry

"Yeah but I didn't want you to give me a perfect grade. We both know pretty much only Hermione and Draco get the perfect grades." Harry said

"I want you to be happy, Harry, but I also want you to be educated. Don't make me choose between the two." Tom said

"Then why'd you threaten one of my favorite things in the world?" Harry asked

"Because you weren't getting the point across any other way, I would never actually do it, I love you." Tom sighed, running a hand through his fluffy hair, "I have waited for you since I was old enough to know what a soulmate was, I want to spoil you and give you everything you want but you can't ignore your schooling."

Harry teared up, hugging Tom, "I love you too, Tom. Don't threaten the things I love again."

"I promise, love, I won't." Tom swore, kidding the top of Harry's head...

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