0•6 || The voice ||

121 15 2

The front door of the mansion swung open, revealing the four boys, Yoongi was holding a white dead dove while yawning. Jimin looked at Taehyung and the dead dove and just shrug his question towards Tae, thinking Tae was also with the guys. "So why did you call?" Namjoon first asked and entered the mansion, water dripping from his hair because of the heavy rain outside. He stopped when he noticed Jeon Jungkook, instead of shock, his expression remained calm and emotionless.

"Ahh. Welcome to the world Lust. Better do your work nicely but fiercely." Namjoon said making Jungkook..Lust to look at him and smirked. "Someone called my name." He said with his dark voice and stood up. Bowing to the prince. Jimin didn't spoke instead he kicked Jungkook's stomach, sending him flying making the other's look to him in shock.

Jimin's expression remained still and slowly walk his way to Jungkook and give him another kick on Jungkooks stomach making him groan and blood started to come out his mouth.

"Lust..is that all what you've got? Pathetic." Jimin said with a cold tone, moving his feet away from Jungkook's stomach and kick him on his side making him to flew once again. "Park Jimin. That's enough." Namjoon said making Jimin to look at him with a knitted brows. "You dare to interupt me?" Jimin asked as venom dripping from his every words. Namjoon stood there looking into Jimin's red eyes with his gray eyes. "Stop..your highness. Jungkook will be dead if you try to do that." Namjoon said.

Jimin laughed.

A scary laugh.

Echoing to the whole mansion because of his loud laugh.

"He'll die?" He chuckled...evily. "Immortals won't die dont they." Jimin said and sat at the sofa. Jungkook slowly stood up, holding his stomach while coughing. He charged to the prince that was sitting on the sofa, with his whole strenght and speed, he attached him with a very big punch.

He was shocked..

Everyone was..

Because Jimin caught his fist by his only one hand. Jimin looked at Jungkook and smirked. "Nice." He said and let go of Jungkook's fist, making Jungkook to helplessly kneeled and stare at the floor.

He slowly fall down as his eyes we're starting to close.

"Sleep well. Lust." Jimin said as Jungkook's horn are slowly fading away and his body is back from normal.

Jimin stood up and lift him up as he sighed. "I'll bring him to his room and all of you. Wait me here." He said which they all nod.

Jimin entered his room and layed his body on the soft mattress.

He looked at him and smirked.

"You're such a pathetic loser. Jeon Jungkook..or shall I call. My cousin." He said and turned around as he slowly left the room.

He went to the other's who was sitting from the sofa while turning the TV on as Jin served some food. Jimin sat there and also stare on the TV.

He stood up immediately when he remembered something. He looked at Hoseok making Hoseok to also look at him. He lend out his hand "The keys." He simply said making Hoseok to stop what he is doing, he grabbed the keys from his pocket nervously and handed it at Jimin as Jimin walked away. "Jimin ah, where are you going?" Jin asked which made Jimin to stop his tracks. "To the basement, I have something to get there.." He answered with his cold tone and walked away with a fast pace.

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other.


Sana woke up from a very unfamiliar room, looking and observing where she was, the room was so huge, all painted in white and gray. She slowly stood up but then once again, she fell as she felt his head was stinging. She used her healing powers to heal herself but then when she was about to use her power..

She thought. Who helped me? She asked herself as she now slowly using her powers to heal herself.

After that. She slowly went her way to the door and opened it. "They didn't lock me?" She asked herself as she went out the room and closed the door carefully. "Where am I?" She asked herself once again and look around the dark hallway as she slowly walk through it. She stopped when she dropped something from the sorroundings as she sighed and slowly picked it up when she heard a cold, emotionless and angry voice from behind her making her to stop her movements.

"Who the fucking hell are you and how did you entered my mansion?"

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