The Opening Exam ~ 6

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It's finally here. : )


I discard my wet towel, and look towards my bed. Finally, I could wear my green dress! I walk towards where I had placed the faerie-made dress, and let out a gasp. That is not my dress.

Placed on my bed is a low cut dress with a v-neck. Madisón! I pick up the dress and see the same flowers and vines wrapped around the bodice. It was the same dress, just more scandalous.

Screw it.


My hair curls around my finger as I wait for Madisón and Charlotte. The oak, grandfather clock in the corner of my bedroom chimes. 18:00.

As if she planned it all along, a loud knock resonates through my room. I grab my now 7 inch green pumps, with a scarlet bottom and slip them on.

"Hurry up, Cinderella! We don't have all day." Madisón's voice cuts through the door.

I walk to the door, and pull on the brass handle. Oh. My. God.

Madisón's dress barely reached her thighs, it's red and black lace constantly shifting upwards. Charlotte's light blue dress covers everything, even her neck. She would look like a nun if it weren't for the 7-inch blue pumps she wore. Now that I think about it, even Madisón is wearing 7 inch pumps.

Charlotte gasps.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Ebony! I didn't mean for the dress to be that short!"

I raise my eyebrows. She's the one that did this to my dress?

"Don't worry. At least it's not as short as Madisón's."

Madisón rolls her eyes, and grabs both our arms.

"Enough silent judgement from you, we have a ball to crash."

"Actually we're not crashing the ball, we were invited-

"Did I ask Charlotte?"


"Now presenting-"

"We don't need you to call our names junior-"

"All eyes will be on us soon enough," I finish.

Madisón lets out a hearty laugh.

"If you keep doing that, people will start thinking you're the heartless one."

The great oak doors wrapped in iron open, releasing perfumed air into the hallway. I look around the ballroom, and see court ladies and men dressed in overly, erm, embellished dresses and tailcoats.

I look towards the chocolate fountain and see the three blond bimbos sipping champagne from crystal flutes.

"Targets found. Locked on," I hear Madisón say. She's looking towards the chocolate fountain, glaring at the three blond bimbos.

We make our way down the never-ending stairs. Madisón's eyes bear into the kings, and she smiles flirtatiously. The king licks his lips before being pinched by the queen, who's looking at Madisón with disdain.

I feel a pair of eyes on me and look up. Damien. His sapphire eyes gleam with something like lust. I tear my eyes away, and hurry down the rest of the stairs. He couldn't have been looking at me, right?

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