Chapter Four

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Mind Control

Restrained (Tied to a Chair)

Pet Names
Non-Consensual Touch (Non-Sexual)
Lima Syndrome

Loki's POV

Loki quietly shuts the door to [Y/N]'s room. He had planned on going on an errand, but instead, he leans against the door, slowly falling to the ground. He rests his head in his arms, distressed.

What have I done? he asks himself. She's terrified, what was I thinking? I should've made a more diplomatic approach! Loki considers the events after diplomacy with the Avengers and, once again, realizes it'd fail.

Loki straightens and takes a deep breath. I can't be having second thoughts. This is the best option, and [Y/N] is much safer now that she's here. And I know that it will work, eventually. It could take days, months, or years, but it'll work eventually.

Together, we'll save the world.


Bucky's POV

What did Loki do?! Bucky's head screams at him as he tries to stop the Lokified Wanda. Wanda uses her power to drop a beam on Bucky. The beam doesn't hurt him too much, but it pins him to the ground. Before Bucky can lift the beam, Wanda builds up a ball of crimson energy and aims at Bucky. Bucky flinches, but the energy never hits him. The beam is thrown off him and Bucky quickly stands back up to see Wanda falling to her knees, tears streaking down her face.

Bucky crouches down in front of Wanda. "Wanda?"

"I'm so sorry," Wanda says with a shaky voice.

The other Avengers are a few feet away. Vision looks anxious to see Wanda. "Just a sec," Bucky mouths to him. Vision nods.

"It isn't your fault, Wanda," Bucky says in a hushed voice.

"I stopped you from stopping Loki, and I could've hurt you." There is a moment of silence. "How do you live with the guilt?" she says quietly, only loud enough for Bucky to hear.

Bucky sighs. He knew he'd get this question at some point from her, but he had hoped she'd ask Clint first. "It's hard at first, but it gets better. Because it wasn't you, Wanda, it was Loki. You are the victim, not the villain. Tomorrow, you won't be perfect, but it gets better, and slowly the guilt leaves. I know it, Clint knows it."


Bucky smiles. "You mean he hasn't told you?"


"Oh, you better ask him. Loki mind controlled him when Loki first showed up on Earth?"


"Really. Now, why don't you go rest, Wanda. The rest of us can sort out this mess right now," Bucky says as he helps Wanda up.

"No! While Loki was controlling me, he also talked to me. I might have something that can help!"

"After you rest, Wanda. We don't wanna pressure you right now." Bucky gestures for Vision to come. Vision comes and gently leads Wanda away from the crowd, giving Bucky thanks for comforting Wanda in a way he couldn't.

Bucky looks at the rest of the team, all looking defeated. [Y/N]'s become like family to us all. By kidnapping her, Loki took away the person that's managed to glue us all together, though [Y/N] doesn't really know that she does that. "Do we have any idea where Loki could've taken [Y/N]?"

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