Guys Like Us

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A/N: Hey guys, it's me; the biggest disappointment you knoooooow!

Michael's POV

"Wait, you've never played Super Smash Bros?"

"No," Brooke replies quietly, scribbling something in her notebook.

"That's crazy! You gotta join GGU. We have a meeting this Friday, if you wanna come?"

She just shrugs, like video games aren't some of the best things ever invented. As if. I'm about to give her a lecture on all the benefits of video games, but a thought appears in my head and I can't push it down.

"Oh, I have some interesting news," I say excitedly, changing the subject.

"Yeah?" My friend asks, not looking up or returning my enthusiasm.

"So, in english class, we have a sub. And he's taking attendance, right?"


"So Mr. Kumar is going down the list, and then he sees Jeremy's name....and just stops."

"Yeah." She nods, preoccupied.

"And then he starts asking questions, like, about his dad. And then, after class, Jeremy's telling me that it seemed like they knew each other, like, way back."

"Okay. . .So?"

"Well, before that, Jeremy told me something about how his dad had like. . .some gay lover from his past?"

"You don't think..." Brooke says, finally looking up with her eyes wide.

"I know, I know!" I exclaim, "It's crazy. But think about it."

"I's not impossible." She smiles, returning to her notebook.

It's highly, highly probable. This is insane. I have to tell Jer. He probably hasn't pieced it together yet, the oblivious little frick.

"What are you doing anyway? Drawing?" I inquire, leaning over to get a better look.

I shift my body over towards her desk. She tries pulling the notebook away, but I grab it just in time. I squint at the words on the page, which are arranged into verses.

"Is that...poetry?" I ask, holding back a giggle. "You write poetry?"

"Oh, shut up." She rolls her eyes. "It's stupid anyway."

"No, wait! I wanna read it!"

She looks me in the eye, probably trying to ascertain if I'm serious or not.

"Fine," she agrees. "You can read it. But you can't laugh."

"I won't, I promise."

She tentatively hands the papers to me. My hands grasp the notebook tightly, and my eyes scan over the words.

With your hair, your eyes, the way your lips part,
With your laugh, your smile,
You're stealing my heart.

"Wait!" I shout a bit too loudly, causing a few classmates to glance back at me. I lower my voice and say, "This is a love poem!"

She blushes.

"Aw, is this about me? Brooke, I hate to break it to you, but I'm like...really gay," I tease, and she suppresses a smile.

"Keep reading," she whispers, not catching my eye.

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