Chapter Five

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                Owlwhisper woke up from his slumber and stretched. It seemed to him as if he slept for a moon. 

        "Watch it!" Yowled a cat below him. 

        "Sorry.." He mewed and lifted his paw off of her tail. It was Leopardclaw, the meanest she-cat you could meet, yet she was so beautiful. He padded his way out of the den and when he emerged, the bright sun burned his bright green eyes. 

                "Owlwhisper, greetings!" Sleetfur padded up beside him with a smile that extended her muzzle. 

        "Hello, Sleetfur. How is Half-Eye? And you?" Owlwhisper asked in his normal deep tone. 

        "He is doing well! So am I! I was sent on my first mission as a warrior early this Sunrise." She chirped and Owlwhisper couldn't help but giggle at her eager attitude. 

        "You know, Silverstar talks about you all the time." She mewed and Owlwhisper nodded. 

        "Does he?" He knew he did, but he wanted to know what he says. 

        "Yes! He talks about how you will shape this clan, and how strong you will be... And.. I wish I were you." She trailed off and lowered her head. 

        "Sleetfur! Enough! You should be happy to be yourself." He also trailed off and shook his tail in good-bye. He was never good at making other cats feel better, and the way she was a few seconds ago flustered him. She nodded and turned the other way. Owlwhisper hated being by other cats, other than Half-Eye. He was calm and very good-natured, never doubting.

                As he walked out of camp, three cats snickered behind him, "I bet he's going to get his rogue friends and kill us all!" Leopardclaw was one of them. Owlwhisper wanted to hiss and kick rocks in their irritating faces, but he resisted. His head dropped low as he stalked out of camp to hunt. 

        "Irritating aren't they?" A small voice sounded beside him. 

        "Oh, hello, Icepaw. Yes they are mouse-brains." He wanted to walk away from the Apprentice who was probably going to mew in his ears until he became deaf and was swooped up by an Eagle. 

        "Get down!" He hiss-whispered, and her small body fell to the ground in a hunting position. The smell of a fat crow filled his nostrils, and within a few steps, it black feathers appeared, and the sun shone on them, making them purple and blue. His haunches rocked up and down and his whiskers and ears pricked. He leaped flawlessly and quietly, and took its life before it could squawk. 

        "Whoa! You're better than my Mentor!" Icepaw squeaked and hopped beside him. Owlwhisper nodded in thanks and walked back to camp with the little Apprentice on his trail. 

        "I believe your mentor is looking for you." Owlwhisper after he dropped the crow, and pointed to her Mentor with his tail. Icepaw sighed and walked to him slowly.

        "Bye, Owlwhisper!" She mewed and prowled after her Mentor.

                After Owlwhisper dropped the Crow in the pile, he trotted to Silverstar's den. "Excuse me, Rogue! What're you doing?" Darkfang snarled and lashed his tail. "Huh, Rogue?" He said mockingly. Owlwhisper hissed lowly, 

        "Fine." He walked off and Darkfang smiled. 

        "Wait... How about you clean the Elders' den and the Nursery to show some respect!" His spat at the word 'Respect.' 

        "Look Darkfang! I may have been a Rogue, but I am a Clan cat now, don't you understand? I deserve to be in this Clan without you being on your high rock. You may be above me, but I will not take your disrespect." Owlwhisper growled in his deep mew so loud, the camp became silent, and eyes of all colors looked through him in curiosity. Darkfang stared a hole through Owlwhisper. Owlwhisper was not proud of his small talk with Darkfang, but Owlwhisper vowed to be apart of the Clan. Silverstar pounced out of his den. 

        "What is going on out here?"

        "I just needed to talk to you, Silverstar." Owlwhisper bowed his head.

        "Well, come on then." He nodded and gestured for Owlwhisper to go in first.

        "What did you need to talk to me about?" Silverstar's purr was faint, which was odd.

        "I've been wondering... Why am I so special?" Owlwhisper couldn't help but ask, it was eating away.

        "To be honest, Owlwhisper, I don't know. StarClan told me that you were, and they are never wrong. You will have to talk to StarClan about your future in StoneClan." Silverstar smiled a weak smile.

        "But-but I can't!" Owlwhisper meowed frustratingly. 

        "Every odd thing that happens is a sign, Owlwhisper. You can respond to them in your dreams." Silverstar said wisely.

        "Yes, Silverstar... " He thought about those words. He recited them over and over again. "It is late."

        "Agreed. I will see you in the morning, Owlwhisper." He escorted Owlwhisper, who padded off to the warrior den.

                Owlwhisper woke up early. He was the only cat sturring, and this calmed him. He was alone and he liked it. He padded out and was headed out to hunt. Instantly, he caught the scent of a Vole and a couple of Squirrels. Voles were easier, but Squirrels were more plentiful. He thought hard, until the smell began to fade. Squirrel. He dashed quickly as his belly fur brushed against the ground, and he quickly found the scent of the Squirrel again. The little, tan figure scurried half-way up a tree, and this was Owlwhisper's chance. He raced up the tree and chased the rodent down, until the Squirrel leaped off the tree while Owlwhisper in the middle of it. He bounded off and landed on the Squirrel's back. "You thought you could get away?" He laughed lowly and buried it. As he trotted off as silent as an Owl, he smelt a Rabbit. As he stalked the scent, a paw crashed down in front of him, making the Mouse scurry into the brush. "Mouse-brain!" Owlwhisper hissed, and he looked up to see the one and only.... Gatorfang!

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