Chapter Six

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                Owlwhisper yowled in anger. "Gatorfang!" He hissed. Gatorfang laughed menacingly and raked the gorund with his claws. 

        "Owl... Is it you? You were so tiny last time I saw you." He mewed in his irritating raspy voice. 

        "Yeah, last time I saw you, I was with your friend!" He spat, "I loved how his blood went down my paw that day." Owlwhisper smirked this time and his green eyes glowed. Gatorfang snarled and screeched. 

        "He's dead because of you!" Owlwhisper rose to his feet. 

        "You didn't help him, Gatorfang. 'Come on, Rougheart! Kill the kit!' Remember those words, Gatorfang?" Gatorfang hissed and lashed his tail. 

        "I will ravage your clan, and when I'm done, I'll be picking out fatty pieces of their meat from my teeth." He chuckled and spun around, stalking off to the horrid MarshClan camp. 

                Owlwhisper loped with his muscles burning. The smell of StoneClan camp filled his nose, and he was relieved he was close. He barged into the camp, yowling, "StoneClan! Silverstar!" Cats looked up at him and rolled their eyes, although a white she-cat and a one-eyed tom walk toward him in curiousity. Of coarse, it was Sleetfur and Half-Eye. 

        "What is wro-" Silverstar burst into sight as he scrambled out of a bush and dropped the Crow he had in his mouth. 

        "Owlwhisper, what is wrong?" He said, panting for breath. 

        "MarshClan cat. I ran into him while hunting and.. and.." The three other Cats looked at him wide-eyed. "He said he will ravage our Clan, and when he's done, he'll be picking our meat out of his teeth." Sleetfur hissed. 

        "I'm gonna rip his throat out and feed it to his Clan!" Silverstar shot her a glare. 

        "We will prepare just in case. Darkfang! Set our patrols! Border and hunting patrols!" Silverstar yowled at Darkfang in the distance. He nodded and instantly began ordering the Cats in the camp around. 

                "Silverstar, I saw that MarshClan cat when I was a kit." Owlwhisper said to Silverstar. He said nothing, though he had a thoughtful look in his river-blue eyes. "His name is Gatorfang. I-I killed his brother." Silverstar pricked his ears. 

        "His brother?" Owlwhisper nodded. 

        "You were only a kit?" Owlwhisper nodded once more. 

        "Four moons to be exact." Owlwhisper mewed rather proud, but deep in him, he felt guilty. Silverstar nodded as he rested on the Pine straw in his den. 

        "What led you to kill the other cat?" Silverstar asked in wonder. Owlwhisper cleared his throat, "When I was a kit of four moons, I was exiled." Silverstar cocked his ears. "I was wondering around the border, but I went too far and all of a sudden two cats, which were them, countered me. Then, two more bounded out of the briar. They teased me, and mocked me, so I attacked the closest one." He gulped hard before continuing, "The two that came out last, stood back and kept their distance. Gatorfang stood there yelling, 'Come on Rougheart! Kill the kit!'" Silverstar's ear flicked. 

        "Gatorfang? That's his name?" Owlwhisper nodded. "Okay. You are dismissed." Owlwhisper nodded, dipped his head and bounded out of the den. 

        "Hello, Owlwhisper." Darkfang mewed behind him. Owlwhisper stopped in his tracks, and nodded. He didn't want to disrespect the deputy, so something simple is best. Darkfang nodded back and looked away.

                As Owlwhisper trotted past the training area, he saw Sunfern Mentor Icepaw. "Now, I want.. Uh... You to hop on me and do this." He demonstrated a Front Paw Blow. Icepaw nodded. 

        "Go!" She leaped on him and missed. He sat down and licked his paw. 

        "Icepaw, how about you aim for his head. Keep your eyes locked on the target and make sure you're not tense." Owlwhisper mewed as he stepped in to watch. She nodded and crashed her paw down on Sunfern's head. 

        "Yes! I did it! Thank you Owlwhisper!" She hopped up and down. Sunfern nodded in thanks, but jealousy creeped into his eyes. "Okay lets keep going." Sunfern said before Owlwhisper walked off. He could still hear them laughing and training. 

Sorry that this one wasn't real good! I got a shot today, and I'm real tired. I just updated since has been three days. Anyways, the picture in the 'Media' is Gatorfang! I promise the next chapter will be a LOT better!

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