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It was lunch period. Kyunghee was sitting down with Yoongi talking about the text message she had received earlier.

"It's probably just one of those spam callers or something." Yoongi said, and Kyunghee believed.



Kyunghee was walking home alone since Kyungsoo had plans to hang out with his friends.

As she was walking, she heard a notification from her phone.

"You look pretty today. "
seen 15:30』

Without second thought, Kyunghee replies:

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?"
seen 15:32』

"Let's just say, I'm your secret admirer and I want you. "
seen 15:38』

That reply made Kyunghee's whole body shiver. She was scared. Then, she hears footsteps behind her.

She wanted to look back but she couldn't. She ran with the verge of tears in her eyes until she couldn't feel the owner of those footsteps stare at her.

She quickly ran up the stairs to her apartment, worried to use the elevator and quickly closed the door of her apartment.

She burst into tears. Her anxiety taking over her. Then she hears another notification from her phone. Too scared to open it, the sender then calls Kyunghee.

She blindly answers the call. Her sobs being heard from the other side of the call.


Please! Don't hurt me!

Kyunghee, what's up with you?
It's me Kyungsoo
Are you home?

Are you crying?

Kyunghee had calm herself down a bit by the time Kyungsoo had asked that question.

N-No! Haha!
I was just acting out
a part of the kdrama that I'm watching

Oh, okay.
Are you alright at home?

I'm in perfect condition!

I gotta go.
I'll call you back later.

Kyunghee laid down on the floor, trying to fully calm herself down. She then recieves a text message. She opens it thinking it was Kyungsoo, but it wasn't.

seen 16:05』

seen 16:07』

seen 16:09』

They were images of Kyunghee walking home, crying after she ran home and a video of the stalker.

It was them wearing a black cap, black sweatshirt and black mask.

"Hi, Kyunghee. It's your so called "secret admirer." I'm just telling you. If you ever tell anyone about this, things are just gonna get worse."

"I know where you live. I know where you study. I know your favorite food. In short, I know everything about you."

"Please, bring me to a mental hospital. This all must be an imagination." Kyunghee said in a soft voice


It was the next day and Kyunghee was oddly holding Kyungsoo's arms, which she never does. Kyungsoo also found it weird. He was suspicious.

"Kyunghee, what's happening to you?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Oh, I watched a horror movie yesterday and now I feel like I'm being watched." Kyunghee lied.

"Kyunghee, I know you. You never get scared with horror movies." Kyunghee made second thoughts about it.

"Okay! It's not about horror movies. But it's something." Kyunghee said the truth, making Kyungsoo worry.

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked, making Kyunghee look around before telling him.

She told him in a soft voice. "Someone's sending me creepy text messages, sending me photos I haven't seen, and stalking me."


Oof update 2 days? That's kind of rare (?)

What should I do with Kyunghee tho

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