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【tw// mention of r*pe】

Last day of winter break.

Kyunghee was on her way home from a party at her friend's house. She was alone that night since her friends were all drunk.


(P.S: Kyunghee accelerated in school , making most of her friends {21 y/o} older than her)

(i made that up just for the chapter NYAHAHAH)


She wasn't drunk or anything since the only thing she drank was soda, mainly because she was underage to even drink.

As she was walking, she heard some footsteps behind her. "Here it comes again." Kyunghee thought to herself.

She quickened her speed and so did the person who owned those footsteps. Kyunghee hid in this abandoned alley, thinking that the stalker was gone. Suddenly, she feels an arm around her neck and a hand covering her mouth.

She gets pushed onto a wall, getting her ass groped. She screamed, but not loud enough for people to hear.

~ I'll leave the rest to your imagination.~

Kyunghee woke up in a familiar room, specifically her bedroom. Kyungsoo walked in to check on her.

"Your awake." Kyungsoo said, "What happened yesterday? I found you in an abandoned alley, crying. And the moment I approached you, you passed out." He continued.

She finally remembered what happened. And at that moment, she realized, she was raped.

She started crying once again, confusing Kyungsoo.

"Why are you crying?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Nothing! It's nothing!" Kyunghee replied.

Kyunghee didn't want to go to school, too traumatized to even go somewhere alone now. Even though Kyungsoo could go with her, she couldn't think of the fact that the stalker had just done that to her.



Did you enjoy last night?
『seen 8:41』

Don't just seen zone me like this.
『seen 8:42』

I didn't. Leave me alone.
『seen 8:43』

Your wish is my command.
seen 8:45』

She started thinking. Who could be that stalker.

"Is it Yoongi?"


im sleepy

Stalker || m.yg ✔️Where stories live. Discover now