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"Show me your phone." Kyunghee arrived to school and immediately went to Yoongi's desk.

"What the fuck, why?" Yoongi was flustered.

"Just let me fucking check it!" Kyunghee raised her voice at him.

"Fine." Yoongi gave her his phone. Kyunghee checking all his social medias and messages. Nothing.

"What are you even checking?" Yoongi asked as Kyunghee gave back the phone.

"Nothing." Kyunghee replied in disbelief. 
"You're probably checking if I have another chick, are you?" Yoongi asked and smirked.

Kyunghee rolled her eyes and sat back down on her desk. She could see at the corner of her eyes that everyone was whispering about something and glaring at her.

She felt uncomfortable so she took her phone out, just in time to get a notification from the unknown number.


Hi, love! 💕
『seen 7:24』

How's you morning?
『seen 7:25』

She looked over to Yoongi, who has on his phone. She took a peek and saw he was just going through Instagram.


The bell rang as it was the end of their lecture. She rushed out of the classroom as soon as possible and ran home quickly.

Then, she hears footsteps running after her. She ran even faster until the other person grabs her shoulder, making her freeze.

"Kyunghee! Calm the f*ck down!" Kyungsoo tried to catch his breath.

Kyunghee suddenly started screaming and crying. Kyungsoo was confused as to why she just suddenly cried.

"Kyunghee, just tell me what the f*ck is going on." Kyungsoo yelled at her.

"It's too hard too explain. Just shrug it off." Kyunghee said as she sobbed.


Kyunghee went to the same convenience store to buy ramen for Kyungsoo and 'Samgak-Gimbap' (Triangle Gimbap), for herself.

She was about to sit down and eat her Gimbap when she saw the same figure wearing a black hoodie. Her eyes widened as the person lookd back at her.

She ran out of the convenience store and the person ran after her.

"Kyunghee, wait!" Yoongi was trying to catch up to her.

Yoongi suddenly got a grip of her arm and she screamed.

"Calm down! I just wanted to ask if we could talk at my place!" Kyunghee looked at Yoongi from head to toe.

"He looks like-"

"Hello?" Yoongi waved his hand infront of her face as she zoned out.

"Sure." She said in a soft voice.

There was an awkward silence while they were walking to Yoongi's place. No one dared to break the silence.


I might come late. I'm going to Yoongi's place for a while.
『sent 4:21』


"What's up with you? You've been acting strange lately." Yoongi asked.

"Nothing. It's personal." Kyunghee replied.

"I'll be back." Yoongi went to his room to grab something. Just then, Kyunghee notices 2 phones on the coffee table, none were for her, one that was recognizable to be Yoongi's, but the other one wasn't familiar at all.

She grabbed the phone and swiped to unlock it. She opened the messages icon and immediately saw her name on the list of names.

She opened the chat and couldn't believe what she saw.


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