Mitch Grassi

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41. He was made fun on because his voice was very high during high school but now he is in Pentatonix and their shows are always sold out.... eat that bullies. (I, in no way encourage bullying. It's not funny at all, they always go, "it a joke, don't be offended" but what they don't know is that it may be funny to them but not funny to the bullied. If you are bullied, do not keep quiet because it is not okay. Okay back to the boy princess...)

42. His tweets are to die/live for. Let me give you a few examples.

" performing an interpretive dance to 'two weeks' for Wyatt"

" I'm tryna make vaporwave out of sex and the city background music"

" I love being positive and kind! If you're a jerk I don't want to know you or be aware of your existence!"

" 'baby ur my aspartame. ur sweet like sugar but slowly killing me'

a line from my new single"

Still want more? Okay here goes another few....

" @scotthoying always tries to pluck my stray chest hairs but guess what I love their sporadic nature #FreeTheNipple"

" when am I gonna find a boyfriend that I can be in a yaoi relationship with where he's the quiet, stern one and I'm the clumsy crybaby"

" all my celeb crushes are weird dad types"

and last one....

" 'Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor' is the new 'now your just somebody that I used I know' in terms of tweets and fb statuses"

43. When he was in Singapore, he thought the server said glass jelly and not grass jelly. He then said that the "glass jelly" taste like boba.

44. He finds his rapping in problem annoying because people might not like it.. But it's his favorite track so yeh. (tell him that it is not annoying!!)

45. He wants to colab with Imogen Heap. He says "I think our voices would mesh well together, mainly because she's been one of my primary vocal influences for most of my life. Plus, she's an incredible songwriter and producer. I really look up to her a lot" in an interview.


I loved doing this 5 facts of Micth because I love it XD hope you love it too :)

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