Ryan Parma

2.4K 70 7

11. He lives in LA.

12. He is "working as a freelance director taking on all kinds of projects from dance films to music videos to films and commercials. I love music and dance which is why a lot of my work has those elements in them." (taken from his fb page)

13. He needs more socks because he socks keep having holes in them XD (ans it's not just one hole, it's like 2 holes or maybe more.....)

14. He loves it when Scott and Mitch goes on vine spree. (I THINK WE CAN ALL AGREE RIGHT GUYS? )

"Soooo @mitchgrassi & @scotthoying just went in a vine spree and I couldn't be happier. My night had been made! Still laughing. "

15. He walked into a bar and Beyoncé was playing and he said "I have a feeling this is going to be a great bar."


Uplaoding today because i am really really happy that Daft Punk got NOMINATED for a grammy under the category of best arrangement, instrumental or a cappella"

Pentatonix is really going GOLD. :')

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