chapter 6

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"jesus christ." several of them said at the same time looking back at me.

"so instead of making three mil you came and told hap." jax said "my loyalties are with hap. of course I was gonna tell him. hell no I wasnt going to do anyone them I just made who called me think I would so I could get as much information for him." I said calmly. Joey looked at me like I betrayed him, oh well. happy pulled my phone out and played the recording.

"autumn nicole graphics how may I help you?"

"I need a shoot for a family of three, in the next thirty days."

"okay tell me what kind you need. any props or specific backgrounds you would like?"

"my family like to play jacks together it really makes up all happy. my sons really like harry the bunny." 

"oh sounds like some sweet sons you have there sir."

"aye they are my sons. do you have any chibs? those will look nice in the photos."

"oh yeah a glasgow smile can really brighten a photo up. if you could email me the location, and a description, we can discuss the packages I offer and the price. my email is is there anything thing else I could help you with?" 

"no I'm sure my sons will be shocked when you get there. I cant wait for the reveal." 

"sounds good. I'll be waiting for your email. call if theres anymore information I need. have a great day." 

"aye you also." 

"aye you knew what my nickname meant earlier?" chibs asked 

"yeah I did." 

"do you record all your phone calls?" bobby asked 

"no, when someone tries to get ahold of me they are normally given my website. where they put in the location, names and age of everyone that is involved in the "photo shoot". I get notified immediately and they have to wait five minutes before my current number pops up. within those five minutes I normally look up everyone so I can have an idea of who I'm dealing with so I can have the conversation in code. I didnt recognize jax or opies names but I knew happys. the location was charming, ca. I knew happy was supposed to be here for a few months. I didnt need to research anything I figured jax and opie were his brothers. so in those five minutes I sat everything up to record the phone call without them being able to know, I even sat it up to trace the call." 

"how did ya know happy was going to be here?" chibs asked 

"because I told her." happy told him. 

"when did they call you. did you find their lactation." jax said lighting up a cigarette 

"two days ago, I was on the east coast. and all I could get was they called from California, they scrambled the phone call and they hung up before I could finish tracking it down." 

"you got here from the east coast in two days. damn." 

"more like forty hours. I had to get everything together." 

"you drove across the country to tell happy that fast, did you even stop to sleep" juice said 

"no I didnt. he wouldnt answer the phone. I knew I had to get here. I was informed that they called three other people as back ups." 

"how do you know that?" jax asked. 

"the one who orchestrates it all is a good mentor of mine. that's all I can say. sorry." 

"what is there some secret society of hitmen out there. yall have a fuckin family reunion every year, catch up compare job?" jax asked with a smirk 

"something like that." 

"holy shit you're serious. happy you know about this? you in it?" jax asked him 

"no prez I'm not." he said with his husky voice. I loved his voice. 

"I can get the info on the others who have been contacted so yall will know. I will be tracking them down once I find out. we dont go after our own. ever." I said as I pulled a cigarette out and lit it up. 

Joey spoke for the first time since I sat down "hes not one of yall. he is a son." 

I looked at him as I took a drag and exhaled the smoke. I rolled my cigarette between my thumb and index finger "yes he is a son. but he is also considered one of us. he may not officially be with us but he is protected with us and by us." I snapped back. Joey just glared at me then at happy and back to me. my phone rang before he could say anything. 

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