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"Who's this?" Min-Woo asks, starting at Jaz confused. "Ah, this is Zara's friend, Jaz." Jae Hyun answers for me. "It's uh... Nice to meet you, sir." Stammers Jaz as he stands up from the table. Walking over, he extends a hand at Min-Woo, completely unsure of how Min-Woo would react.

But there's no need for this worry, as Min-Woo just smiles and takes Jaz's hand. "Likewise." He smiles. Jae Hyun walks his father to the head of the table, and whilst he does this Jaz turns to me. "He just shook my hand." He whispers.

"Yeah," I laugh. "What did you expect to happen?"

"If I do recall," He starts as we walk back to the dining table, "Your mother didn't allow me to shake her hands unless she had gloves on." Jae Hyun pulls out my chair as I laugh. "My mother has always been too posh for this earth," I say.

"Undoubtedly." Min-Woo chuckles. "Your father told to 'be on my best behaviour' when I was meeting her for the first time." He says. "Really?" Jae Hyun asks for all of us as I dish everyone up.

"Yes!" He laughs. "It went exactly like this: 'Min-Woo, Tracey is a very dignified girl so please behave and don't make me look like a fool!'." He laughs.

"Thanks, Jae- My father said that?" I ask, laughing. Min-Woo nods. "Only Hyun-Joon would be able to wrangle a posh British woman and win her over, so whenever your mother was involved in some sort of gathering- everyone acted so..."

"Tracey-like?" Jaz asks with a laugh.

"Precisely." Min-Woo laughs. "Everyone acted fake around your mother Zara, we had to act 'prim and proper' and nothing less than that." I roll my eyes, "I'm sure after a few weeks of marriage that died down." I say. Min-Woo lifts some salad into his mouth and when he's done chewing he looks at me.

What kind of look is that?

"Weeks?" He asks, "Oh no darling, it was after their second anniversary." He says. Jae Hyun taps my shoulder and speaks when he's done chewing, "I'm sure they weren't that fake."

"Like how fake you were acting the other day during that big conference meeting?"

I drop my fork, all eyes are on Jaz.

"I... excuse me?" Min-Woo says. "He's joking Dad, I would do-" "Cut the crap, Jae Hyun. Zara told me everything.

You stole her documents for that big meeting the other day and Jimin had to bail her out, and then just today, You yelled at her because she's asking you to help her bring up my stuff."

The dining room fell so silent you could almost hear Jae Hyun's heartbeat echoing and bouncing off the crisp white walls.

Almost like a student being saved by the bell, a ravenous and overworked Jimin strolls in greeting everyone with an eye smile.

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