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With a deep breath, I gathered myself and put on my strongest poker face. Jimin handed me the letter Taehyung wrote me and gave me a reassuring smile. Jimin drove me to drop off some shirts of Taehyung's along with the letter. I would be lying if I said that's the only reason I came, I want- well, I need closure. With his clothes in a bag held in my left hand, I extended my right and knocked twice. 

"Taehyung?" I called out leaning toward the window. He opened the door surprised to see me, "Zara?" his raspy voice shakes. "W-what are you doing here." His eyes wandered from the bag in my hands back to my face. "I came to drop off your things." I said as blunt as possible. He continued to look around and behind him, he looked worried. With my hand offering the brown bag for a few seconds, "Are you going to take your shit?"

He grabbed the bag hesitantly, purposefully stroking my hand. "Why don't you come inside for a bit?" he asked, moving to the side of the door. "No thanks," I smiled, "Ill be out the country for a while and just wanted to let you know If you cant hear from me that Im okay." His eyes looked down inside of the bag noticing the letter he gave me at his hotel, "I meant what I said in that letter, I loved- I still love you." He shrugged, " I didn't mean for it to unfold like this. I cant even describe my level of remorse. But I wish you happiness." "mhm, goodbye and thank you." I turned around, "And tell the girl you're hiding in there goodbye for me too." 

He flushed red, "I- okay, Goodbye."

I entered the passenger side of the car with a smile but it quickly faded, Jimin doesn't know how long Ill really be gone for. "So how'd it go?" he questioned. I giggled, "Oh don't pretend like you weren't listening the whole time."


I was in the middle of packing, "Ugh, Jimin-ah!" I yelled, "Have you seen my favorite black skirt?!" I could hear the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs, "You know you have like a hundred black skirts right?" I threw my arms up in the air, "But that was my favorite." I pouted. "Its not a big deal," Jimin chuckled then looked at the mess that exploded in my room, "Why are you packing so much, anyways?" 

"Uhhhh-" I tried to think of an excuse, "B-because I'm a girl. Duh." He shoved the pile of clothes on the bed to the side and sat on the edge, "Your really bad at lying. Whats really going on here?"

I tried to catch next to him on the edge, "Im planning on moving back, permanently." Jimin's face dropped, "But, you cant. Why?" "Im unhappy here," I held his hand, "For once I'm putting my own happiness first and this is what I want. You say you'll always be there for me and I need you to be supportive of this." He let go of my hand, "Im coming with you." 

"Nope. You're staying here." His mumbled voice from the other room said, "Can't hear you, Im already packing." I rushed into his room, "Listen. You are not leaving everything you've worked for behind because of me. This is why I wasn't going to tell you that I was moving, you care too much about me. I'll be fine and I need you to understand that I need to do this on my own. I love you but I cannot have to follow me to California." 

No words left Jimin's plump lips, he just dropped his blue stripped button down and turned to face me. He pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm just going to miss you. Im so lonely here without you." I pulled away from his tight grip saying softly, "You'll be okay, Jiminie." 

He caressed my cheek inching his face closer to mine, he placed his lips onto mine. For a split second I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. I quickly pulled back, his eyes opened wide staring directly into mine. "Jimin- I'm leaving. the timing is all wrong." He removed his hand from my now blushed cheek, "It's never the right time, is it?" 

I didn't know what to say, I mean he's right. What if I should stay? What if Im making the wrong decision? What if it's just Jimin that makes me happy? 

"I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow." 


thanks for reading my book :) also wow we reached like #120 in JiminFanfic. Also dont be a silent reader, comment and vote if u wanna. and remember to love yourself.

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