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I was heading back home from the office, submerged in thought— Most being on the topic of Jae Hyun. Not 'where is he?' but just the usual questions I ask myself when regarding him.

Like, how am I still here?

How am I still married to him, where it's blatantly obvious that he doesn't want me in his life? Yes, we've gotten along in some circumstances, but generally.. Jae Hyun doesn't want anything to do with me.

He's always saying how he didn't want this, and he always has to act when we're in public. Hell— I don't even think our house is a home. When we get there, it's pure tension and hidden feelings.

It's always arguments over petty things, and completely unnecessary shouts and insults.

When it's not that, I'm rethinking this marriage and how I'm stuck. This marriage is for dad, this marriage is for dad. I tell myself that every single day, because I can't divorce him and let all Dad's hard work go to waste.

That's selfish if I divorce him, isn't it?

But if I did, he'd probably do flips around the neighborhood. I bet if I told him I slept with his father's ex-intern he wouldn't even give a damn.

I sigh, and pull into the garage. Right now, I don't want anyone to be home, my social battery is in the negatives. Maybe Jaz realized Jae Hyun wasn't here and just passed out on the couch.

If he's at a party or he grocery store; I really don't care. I just don't want to interact with anyone. I open the door and kick off my heels as I step inside. I walk into the kitchen and drop my keys on the counter, then turn to the kitchen to take out a glass of water.

I drag my feet up the stairs while I drink and when I open my bedroom door I flop onto my bed. I flip onto my back and I look at the spinning fan above me. "Did I do something to feel this way?" I mumble.

Before I can say something else, my heavy eyelids fall down and I find myself asleep.



"Move your legs."

I open my eyes slowly, was that a dream? I cup my forehead, I'm drenched in sweat. I shake my head and grab the empty glass. "I'm thirsty." I sigh, and I push my tired body out of bed.

"Jesus Christ!"

I stop in my tracks. "It wasn't a dream.." I whisper. I can't hear the voice properly, as it comes out muffled through the walls. Maybe it's Jae Hyun? I take in a breath, taking my time as I walk out.


I pause in front of Jaz's door. "Jaz??" I ask, and I get no response. "Jaz..?" I say with a shaky voice. I don't know what he's doing in there, but I'm going in. I open the door.

The room is pitch black. I see Jaz sitting on his bed and... Jae Hyun? I drop my glass, "What the fuck-" Jae Hyun pulls away from Jaz's neck I think? And I can see him staring at me with wide eyes.

"Shit." I hear him curse under a whisper.

Jaz looks at me too, and I finally flick on the light.

Their legs are together, maybe Jae Hyun was sitting on Jaz? What..? Wait- "Okay, I'm hoping this isn't what I think this is so I'm gonna let you explain." I say just over a whisper, trying to hold back bubbling rage.

"It really isn't." Jaz says quick, getting up from the bed. "Jae Hyun came home from his dad's, he wasn't too happy with him. It was something regarding work.. I think." He says quiet.

"Jae Hyun then went to a bar, got drunk, and then must've went in my room because when I came back from getting Indian takeout he was sprawled out on the bed."

Jaz then walks up to me to whisper, "He was crying in his sleep."

I nod slowly and he walks back to his original spot. "So when I saw him I couldn't just leave him crying like that so I comforted him." He says, and I see his eyes look back at Jae Hyun.

"Okay.. but what was those sounds for? 'Ow' and 'Jesus Christ' ?" I cross my arms. "I kind of.. hit Jaz while I was crying..." Jae Hyun's hoarse voice says from the back.

"Oh... That kinda makes sense-"

"Zara? Jaz??" I hear a voice from downstairs, it's Jimin. "Are you here? Did you find Jae Hyun??" He shouts. "Jimin we're in Jaz's room!" I shout down to him. "And yes— Jae Hyun's here."

In less than a minute Jimin's up and standing beside me, looking down at the glass by my feet. "Woah, you need to put on some shoes.." He says to me, and then turns to the two boys by the bed.

"Where were you Hyung? Dad was about to call the police when I told him we didn't know where you were.." He breaths, running his fingers through his hair.

"Wait." I say, and then look at Jimin. "Min-Woo didn't know where Jae Hyun was?" I ask. Jimin shook his head, "As far as I could tell he was as clueless as the rest of us."

I look back at the two boys, gaze focused mainly on Jaz. "But you said Jae Hyun was at Min-Woo's earlier." I point at Jae.


"So you lied to me." I say, and throw my hands in the air. "Wow- Just.. wow." I breathe out. "Wait you didn't tell her?" Jimin asks, and I turn to look at him. "Tell me what?"

Jimin begins to stutter and I feel the anger coursing through my veins. "So you two lied to me," I say pointing at Jaz and Jae Hyun. "And you're keeping their secret." I say to Jimin.

"Zara wait-"

"I don't wanna hear it Park Jae Hyun." I glare at him, and I walk into my room to grab a coat from the closet. I throw it on and I march out of the room and down the stairs.

I can see Jimin walking behind me in the corner of my eye. "Stop." I say stern, and I see him freeze. I take my keys up from the counter and I put on my heels that sit at the door.

"I don't want to see any of you for the rest of the night." I say to him.


I open the front door and I slam it shut behind me.


one word.



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