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Dark. Empty. Cold.

I want to tear his flesh from his bones. Rip his eyes from his skull and wear them as accessories. Thus, these thoughts gnaw through my mind as I wither away dying again in a body of immortality. Hair white, nails long, and stripped away from my beauty that used to gather the love of gods and goddesses alike. Skin now mummified with lack of that sweet crimson sustenance. I am cursed to taste the dried out dust of the last drop of blood left by my brother as he pitied my earthing.

Oh how I could also taste the salty sweetness of his golden tears of pity and agony as if he really cared for my undoing. Every creature I have ever met has hated my existence and yet enjoyed my authority.

Agony, agony, agony...

I can only scream within the hollow crust of a shell that I now embody. I wish I could be heard. If I am unearthed at any moment at any time I won't stop until I see the death of that which used to be dear to me.


As I pondered again these dark thoughts as if my hatred was heard by the gods and goddesses of revenge and chaos I could hear my body being unearthed. Two very dull shovels clawed at the surface digging away steady. Finally I could hear them. Two sweaty big mortals grumbling and grunting about the work they were doing. I could smell the salty sweet sweat dripping from their brows as they worked away to unearth their demise.

Yes, closer closer yet.

I lie in wait for these two idiots to come close and finally I heard the hollow clunk as the shovels hit the top of my tomb. "Almost a hundred thousand dollars just to come out here and dig an old coffin from the ground..?," one of them chuckled with glee. "Easy money Dusty, easy money I tell you!!," the other male sneakered. They both grunted once again as they began to lift my coffin out of the ground. Right away the night forest air hit my nostrils and as if awaken from a trance my fingers twitched movement in them once again but yet still I waited. "We brought extra clothes to change them. As per orders. I dunno what kind of old lady would want us to dig up their late husband and change his garments but this is just too easy of a job," the other man once again said. The one who assumed the name of Dusty spoke again and I could smell tobacco on his breath as he did so, "Supposedly it's not some old lady she was purdy from what I seen George."

"Whatever the case of this weird ass request we are almost done. Just gotta pry off the top and change his clothes and close it back and shove him back in," George nodded.

Fools. Absolute fools.

I waited patiently as they began to pry the rusty nails from the coffin top. And as soon as they removed it the air from the outside flood in. "Whoa, he's all dried up like a prune," Dusty cackled. "Yeah, but somehow he looks like he could have been a handsome fella' aw well...," George said. I could hear their hearts beating that crimson red oasis through their veins and could hold it no longer. I grabbed on to Dusty first sinking my fangs into his thick meaty flesh. I tore through the jugular veins taking in pieces of flesh as I began to drink him dry. His screams reminded me of a dying wild boar. Music to my ears. "W-WHAT THE SAM HELL?!!," George shouted reaching for his pistol but I had drained his friend dry. I quickly rose from my coffin as George stared with wide round eyes of horror.

He stumbled back as he fired a few times into my flesh. I didn't feel it at all as the blood had already started turning my frail mummified form into the glossed over handsome physique I remembered well. The body of a god. He spent all of his rounds into my body and I leaned down close to his face as the blood I drank ran throughout my form giving me a voice to speak once again. "Mortal.. what year is it..?," I asked my smooth deep velvet tone almost luring the frightened human into a trance. "W-What a-a-are you?!!," he shouted in fright. He began to get up and try to run away but I appeared in front of him.

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