•Evil Wears A Smile•

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I finally arrived just as the clouds cleared up and it was now sunrise. It was now around ten in the morning when I arrived at Whittlesville University. Students were busy coming and going busy about their lives. I parked the car and got out as my eyes carefully scanned the grounds. I put on the sunglasses George had left in the compartment box and walked across the street on campus. "Now, if I were a mouse where would I be..?," I asked aloud. I then closed my eyes and smelled the air. It lead me to the scent I was looking for as I neared the library. I got strange looks, but I didn't have any blood on my clothes or hands visible to the naked eye at least.

"That guy is hot..," one woman whispered to her friend as I passed them. I adjusted my jacket with a smirk only to hear them squeal a little in glee as I approached the doors. The library was huge and at it's center stood a huge statue that piqued my interest. The two individuals looked familiar to me. Two angels, one with a staff aimed at the chest of his downed brother. My eyes scanned the relic head to toe. The large statue piece stood at least twelve or fifteen feet high. I placed my hands in my pockets and as I deeply observed the art piece, I heard a slight click and seen a flash from my peripheral. My eyes quickly darted in the direction. And it was none other than Thames LaMonté.

He smiled a moment as his cheeks flushed lightly, "Sorry, I was trying to take a picture of the statue. But, I had to capture your awe as well you were really captivated and it looked.. right." "I can delete it if you want me to." He walked up to me hesitantly before leaning in next to me and showing me the picture he snapped on his camera. His scent filled my nose and started to drive me crazy a little. "See..," he said quietly. The old memory of George taking a picture of himself with his family and much younger Thames are reached my frontal lobe. "Extraordinary..,"I said before turning my attention to looking at his face. He had curly Auburn hair and light freckles. Eyes of a dark forest green and lips that were plump and thick. He bit on them a little and I for a moment I couldn't remember where I had seen such peculiar beauty. George's late wife looks just like him. The features he had were all from her. "Yes, even though it's a fairly older model it still captures amazing moments," he replied still fixated on my photograph in the camera's lens. He then looked up and noticed me staring and blinked before moving back. "Um.. sorry..," he said again before pushing his hair behind his ear. His eyes darted about my face curiously.

"You can keep it," I replied. I turned my attention back to the statue, "In exchange tell me more about this statue." Thames smiled and eagerly took a few steps forward and looked up at it, "It's really old apparently it's the only piece that survived the fire of the Barrington Manor in 1812." He then glanced at me, "I actually love the lore of this town and of the Barringtons." I folded my arms as I scoffed a moment. Loved? The Barringtons?? I remembered when everyone feared that last name. "Tell me more about the Barringtons," I replied. Thames nodded, "Of course! Oh, and I'm Thames by the way. Thames LaMonté." I shook his hand, "Just call me Mikhail."

He looked at me with surprise, "Oh, your name is similar to Mikhail Zenith Barrington. He was the brother of Calcifer Dimitri Barrington." I followed him up to the second floor of the library. He showed me a book he had in his backpack. I sat next to him and adjusted myself as to not seem so statuesque though I could sit in one position for as long as I pleased without moving. He showed me a picture of my portrait one I have not seen since I was buried all those years ago. I had forgotten how well the artist captured my likeness. Hair smoothed back pale as ever as well as my thin skin. I remembered wearing white blouses very loosely tied in the summer and knickers with no shoes. Back then unlike my brother I never really left the mansion's front steps during the day time. It was much easier to just relax on the porch and make eye contact with the fair maidens and misters when they passed by the front gates. I think even my brother grew weary of my constant dining and fucking routine. Back then, I felt like romanticism was notably my favorite pastime. Wendy herself painted this for me when we were out on the veranda. Wendy was the only one who was fairly difficult to seduce that is until I showed her that my brother didn't care for her or anyone for that matter. That was during the days he was starting to find that goddess more interesting.. "This is him. He was the younger more in my opinion strikingly handsome than Calcifer," Thames replied. "The two brothers apparently came here from Italy and adopted the name Barrington after living with an elderly Countess Barrington." I nodded for he was right. But... we killed her as soon as she found out what we were. "The two brothers were into art and got that statue down there to commemorate their devote love for one another as sworn brothers," Thames replied. I turned the chair backwards and sat in it and folded my arms across the top of the chair.

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