•Red Nightfall•

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It was dusk before long. I used to use George's car as a means of travel but it became too suspicious to travel in it any longer. That night I took it out deep into the woods and set it on fire. As I watched the warm flames flicker in the still air it's warmth made me feel with a slight overwhelming calm and peaceful state of mind. I took off my shirt that was soaked now in blood and threw it into the flames as well. I then put back on the leather jacket that was given to me. I lit one of my cigarettes and stared at the engulfed car. It brought back such pleasant memories of when I threw gasoline around the manor all those years ago and set fire to everything on sight. Our servants fled as they couldn't contain the flames any longer. Afterwards, I found it upon myself to just feast to my heart's content on anything with an heartbeat.

I was so drunk with bloodlust it sent my body rushing with a euphoria I haven't felt in such a long time. As I smoked on my cigarette and my mind trailed back to such a lovely time, I was snapped back to reality by the scent of rosemary and jasmines. "Wendy~," I said in a sing song voice as I continued to watch the flames dance along the exterior of the car. "I haven't seen those darkened fixating pupils in such a long long time..," Wendy said quietly to me. She stood not too far behind me, and spoke carefully. I then turned slightly to glance at her and looked her up and down once before turning my back to the subsiding flaming car. She wore a black skirt and laced corset dress. Head to toe in black and obviously was trying to impress me. I answered her plainly, "What do you fancy now old croon..?"

She bowed her head and glanced her slender eyes to look up at me, "I told the horde like you asked me to. They don't believe me and in fact they cursed me and kicked me out." I scoffed, "...And?" She frowned, "...They think you're a myth Mikhail a fabricated messiah that no longer or ever will grace our presence again." I continued smoking on the cigarette, "Hm." Wendy then stepped in front of me, "They follow a man called the Butcher now. A greasy gluttonous old vampire from the roaring twenties who does things in the messiest way he knows how." I continued to look past her as the flames began to die out completely across the burning metal and could smell it be carried out in the winds. "He heard you had returned and he doesn't care he actually shows little fear when your name was mentioned apparently he thinks you don't exist.. and even if you did he assumes you aren't capable," Wendy replied. I moved my eyes to her face and blew a puff of smoke from my cigarette into it. "He also owns the.. Red Nightfall, and other places that charge vampires insanely high amounts of money to buy those crimson blood pills," Wendy waved away the wafting smoke from her face.

As it grew dark once again, I gave a casual exhale. "The mythical messiah will grace his presence sooner than later," I said to her. I the gestured at George's former burned vehicle, "Get these scraped and taken care of I want no loose ends. It seems, I have show my face to them and show them who hath always been their God." She nodded at my request and followed behind me excitedly, as she smiled a little, "So, does that mean you'll be doing it then?? You'll face the King Of All soon?" I shot her a glare and she lowered her head, "All things will surface as I will it. I don't plan on telling anyone anything. Because there is no plan.." Wendy's eyes widened in slight confusion, "But sire--" I hissed at her and she began to avoid my eyes. "You're so noisy I forgot how much your voice irritated me. If you plan on accompanying me then do so in silence," I warned her and she nodded.

We finally met up with Garrick and Adalai. Garrick drove a car that fit us all comfortably. As I sat in the front seat I casually sat back in the vehicle. The top was down and the wind blew lightly in my face. I closed my eyes a moment and stuck my hand out to caress the wind enjoying the smells it brought to me. Garrick practically was smiling from ear to ear at seeing us. "So glad we are finally going to do this!! I can't wait for the revolution for our kind," Garrick said excitedly. Adelaide then leaned forward and I opened my eyes. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about sire.. um--," Adalai went to speak but Wendy shot her a glare and she grew quiet. I turned the radio to the classical music station and waved my hands casually to the soft tune on the air. Adalai rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed. Finally, just within the city limits we arrived to a large club that had cars parked all around. Loud baseline from the music inside was heard just before we pulled up. "This club is located in too obvious of a spot. Close to the city limits attracting all attention from young and mid-aged mortals alike," I said quietly. Garrick parked the car and I got out as well as the others. Garrick and Adalai flanked my left and Wendy my right as we crossed the street to enter. "It smells like beer, alcohol, and sweaty mortals," Wendy said as she wrinkled her nose.

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