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Thames P.O.V×~

I could feel nothing but a numbing cold spread about my body. It was starting to feel far better than what I felt hours ago. Being lowered down in front of a threat that stretched into the hundreds. Only hearing my frightened heart beat and heavy hungry breathing while being blindfolded unable to see the threats that surrounded me. I could only cry out in pain as sharp teeth ripped into my flesh. I couldn't even fight back as my hands were tied behind my back.

The last moments I remember seeing was the red eyes of the monster responsible. Mikhail. As I admitted I found out what he was I could only see his face contort into madness. And even as I laid there my life slipping away in his arms I couldn't help but blame myself. Death took me. And as it did so I was able to see it now. My father wasn't coming back. I was also just happy that Egan was still alive and well. I hoped he wouldn't try to look for me and that he was getting ready for his finals.

But.. as my thoughts started to disperse and drift out in the emptiness something pulled me back into the numbness and coldness. I struggled to float freely in the welcoming darkness and emptiness as a light started to shine above me. I tried desperately to reach out and grab at it. Ah. But. No use. I was forced into my own body as I could feel it's bones repairing sending the memory of my arms almost being ripped off as hungry monsters bit and tore at them just to drink my blood. Hearing the bones snapping in place and feeling the pain course through my body sent me reeling. I screamed out but couldn't be heard.

The coldness and numbness stayed even as my body started to heal. My heart didn't beat. There was just silence, blindness, and deafness all in one. I screamed out for something, anything to respond or hear me. Suddenly, I could see and hear everything so intensely. I began the thrash and scream as a pinch of what felt like fire started rushing through my veins. And then, I heard it the speeding of my heart as it felt like it would explode in my chest. It then slowed down to a quiet little murmur as my vision adjusted once again.

I glanced about the room as I could see beams of the setting sun's light piercing through the curtains. A small mousey familiar woman came into the room and I leapt off the bed and pinned her to the floor effortlessly. "H-He's awake!! He's awake!!," she shouted out. Before she could protest, my slender fingers wrapped around her neck and I applied a sharp yet subtle strength behind it. In seconds, I had realized that I had snapped her neck. A crooked sneer appeared across my face at the satisfying crunching sound it made. Another person started to walk in with dark curly hair and glasses she looked terrified I could sense her fear and it was satisfying to see. The woman whom I thought I killed got up and fixed her neck with a sigh, "He snapped my neck. I guess that's a good sign.." "Calm down Thames. It's gonna be alright..," she said to me in a soothing tone. "Is he awake..?," asked another familiar tone. The voice sounded slightly different from one that I remembered before. It was deep, and velvety with a slight raspy and alluring undertone.

In stepped Mikhail who looked me over carefully. "Thames...," he breathed as relief appeared on his face. I glanced at the other two and Mikhail turned to look at them. "Leave, I'll handle this," he ordered and they both left walking backwards out of the room cautiously. "Mikhail..," I said quietly my own voice surprising me a little. It was airy, and sounded sweet. I placed my hand on the nape of my neck and blinked in slight confusion. He nodded and held his hands out to me, "I.. wanted you to stay a mortal for as long as possible. It seems fate had other plans.." I could now hear the difference in his speech. His words sounded like a dialect of old english to me. It was posh and polished here and there; an accent he was trying his best to hide from me earlier on. It confirmed my suspicions even more if nothing else at this moment did. I smacked his hand away from me and turned away from him.

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