•Devil's Den•

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I just needed silence.

If only for a brief moment...

The voices again began to whisper, shout, and scream loudly in my ear. It was starting to drive me insane. Were there still worms and maggots eating on my brain? Did they all not die?? I could almost feel the wriggling and hear the crunching sound of them enjoying their feast. Suddenly, I was back in that cursed box. All over again, choking from the silver in my blood dying slowly and painfully. Petrified, as I began to decompose and shrivel up.

"Mikhail..?," came a voice from in front of me and I swiftly grabbed their wrists and began to grip it tightly. "Ow, fuck!! It's me Adalai!!," Adalai shouted out at me. I let go of her wrist and she stared at me in confusion. "You mustn't distract me while I rest..," I said to her quietly as I walked past her. "Well, you weren't resting you were just standing there staring off into space muttering to yourself and smiling," Adalai replied. "Then you started laughing by yourself. Sounded a bit demented," Garrick added. I then looked around aware now of where we were. We were in another city not too far from Whittlesville. This city smelled of piss and had taller sharper buildings made of glass. More cars, and more people. We were under a bridge waiting for Wendy to arrive. She was going to personally escort me to the horde that stayed underground in this city.

"Wendy, never let us go visit the horde either. I hear they have been doing pretty well lately though," Garrick explained to me. I practically ignored him as he went on and on about the horde and the idiotic would be wolf king in charge of all creatures of dark and light. I didn't care about all of that. I was just more so happy I got to taste my dessert. Thames LaMonté. He's a perfect balance of feisty and shy. But by sheer small kisses he was weak in my hands. He also knows about pain and suffering. "I think he's spacing out again," Adalai whispered to Garrick. "Yes, I was that time. Your conversation bored me. I decided to think about having sex with a particular ripened mortal boy instead," I admitted. Adalai scoffed and rolled her eyes while Garrick frowned.

"Sire, you have to take this seriously!! Our species could go extinct fairly soon if we don't acquire the right leadership!!," Garrick said to me. I gave a shrug and folded my arms, "All of this is the same. The same lines no matter what." I then smirked, "At least now it wouldn't be my fault for once that things 'went to shite' as you say." Adalai laughed, "Yeah, relax Garrick we get it you're a edgy revolutionist." Garrick lowered his eyebrows, "You two.. still don't get it. But just wait. You'll see for yourself what I'm talking about." Wendy finally showed up wearing all black as usual except for a dress she wore leather pants this time and a leather jacket. "Are you guys ready to see the Devil's Den..?," she asked. "Nice change of scenery those pants really make your eyes pop," I teased mildly and she narrowed her eyes at me and turned away. "She's still upset over our 'one night stand'..," I whispered and Adalai giggled quietly.

Wendy rolled her eyes as she began walking towards the manhole cover. "This is a secret place to get inside..," she stated as she quickly opened the doors leading down and started walking inside. Adalai, and Garrick followed behind and I did as well. We went down and started walking through what seemed like an old sewer way. There was no water however almost like it had not been used for decades. In certain places the foundation was starting to crumble allowing weeds and vines to start taking root. "You know, out of all people whom which I have robbed the memories of you failed to show me this route to the horde," I said to Wendy who kept moving forward. "That's because this is one of new entry ways. The Devil's Den has grown more and more so we need to create more access ways," she explained. I chuckled to myself for that wasn't it at all. Not the full story. They were being raided out by wolves who don't quite follow the code of their newfound king.

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