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I looked down at the cave. The dark shrouded the land. I suddenly felt really angry. Like, something bad had happened, and I could never forgive someone. Who? I didn't know yet.

I yawned. My hair flowed by my head, in the wind. The white locks- HOLY CRAP WHAT?! My hair, my hair was WHITE. NOW I'M MAD. Why is my hair, my beautiful hair, it was WHITE. My heart hurt. It was long and had the longest braid, in a bun.

It wasn't that bad, actually. It was kind of pretty. I tore my eyes away from my hair and looked around. I saw this black mass, snoring lightly, with no regard of the Pa'li headbutting him. I noticed one was stuck, hugged by the giant creature. The baby Pa'li slept against it. It was sweet.

Then I noticed my sweet Seth asleep on top of Ryder. He was like my son. I knew now there was no returning him to his hidden clan. No matter where they were. He was mine. My son. Then my eyes went wide. His hair, it was long and white too, small braids to one side beside his long braid. It hung low. I squealed. Both woke up.

The black Ikran jumped, the baby Pa'li jumped and ran, and Seth nearly tumbled off, squealing too. He looked at me and gasped, mouth opened.

"Iris, your hair, it's white," Seth screeched like an angry bird. Ryder head-butted him.

"Yours too little one," I said, laughing. Then I noticed Ryder's eyes were silver. And his skin was..... Glowing. The male on the ground then suddenly screeched out. He had pitch black skin. Behind me, dawn's light shone, and his skin lit up. Slowly, it returned to that ocean blue color. His eyes turned to a sandy burnt orange. His feathers seemed to glow, white and shiny. Our hair glowed too.

This sudden feeling of immense peace flooded me. I smiled, helped Seth, picked him up, and patted Ryder. We flew up, slow and lazy. The clan below us celebrated. We must've won. Seth smiled as he situated himself in his spot. Ryder dipped and bobbed, happy. The ground flew by under us. Nantang raced across trees. A thanator roared, racing below us. Then another. Up ahead, close to a higher up ledge, hammerhead titanothere grazed peacefully. And then, huge heards of Pa'li came into one and rode on under us, thundering feet as we flew on. Seth let out a cry of joy. The land was rejoicing, we had won, Eywa had prevailed. I cheered. Little bird like creatures soared beside us. Two Ikran, Hufwe Makto, rode alongside us. They shared nearly the same markings of Ryder. They cheered with us. Ryder let out a thundering cry of happiness, and I felt his energy flow through me, crazy static-y energy. It was amazing.

Suddenly, beside us, was this black and silver Ikran. He was as big as Ryder. He regarded me with knowing eyes. His wing had stitching in it, and I knew immediately who it was. The Ikran led us down, to the ground. When it landed, a woman hopped from a tree.

Ryder and Seth both gasped. Before us stood a beautiful female Na'vi. Like, she was amazingly beautiful. She had short black hair, almost at her chin, and a long black queue that hung low. She had a funny looking top, made of black beans and dead vines. It did cover a lot. I could use an outfit like that. She smiled.

"Thank you for saving my Ukmakto," she said, surprising me. "My sweet Shadow Rider was hurt, alone, vulnerable, yet you saved him. Why? Are you not a fierce Na'vi?"

"Oh, I'm a Dreamwalker, and I feel it wrong to hurt animals, alien or not."

"I too am a Dreamwalker. I mean, I AM speaking amazing English."

She smiled. Then she held her hand up, five fingers, slender and long, wiggled at me. Seth smiled. I did too. She was like us.

"Hey, why don't you come with us to the Omaticaya clan," I asked. She smiled widely.

"Of course," she said.

Time skip

Tsu'tey smiled at me, his hand caressing my belly. The woman we brought, her name was Tapioca. She gets along well with Max, somehow, her being brave and smart, and him being.... Smart. It seemed a likely match. The other rebel humans were getting Avatars as well. But that wasn't my biggest worry.

Tsu'tey made another face. I felt it too. Kicking. My baby was kicking. My sweet child. Neytiri was sitting beside Jake, curled up in a napping position. She slept against the tired Olo'Eytukan. Tsu'tey had given up his position to Jake. It was crazy. I smiled at my mate at the thought.

We were all a little crazy now. The new Hometree was tall. And far from the old one. It took two weeks to get here. And four to report it. But it was worth it. It was actually an abandoned Hometree for the Southern Kekunan Clan, which had regrouped with the Northern Kekunan Clan years ago to be a whole Clan again. Tapi, Tapioca's nickname, said her old clan lived here, and she wasn't accepted by the Northern Kekunan Clan, so she left. She actually led us here. And I'm glad .

A small boy sat on Norm's lap. A baby Na'vi he adopted. A female named Venua has taken a liking to him as well. It looks like everything is coming together for my friend too. I'm glad. Everyone is happy.

Well, maybe not everyone...

Grace can't be here. I know she can see it with Eywa, but I wish I could hug her and feel her lips against my temple, how she used to comfort me with those kisses. I miss them. I miss her. She was like mother. I know now I am Eywa's child, and that is a great honor, but I miss being the tiniest bit human. Just so I could have those lost ones back. Tom. Grace. Jade. All my Squad members. My lab. My partners. And especially Cal. I miss Cal.

She was the first person I actually really loved. Romantically, anyways. She cared back, for once. It was nice. Months on the North Vietnamese Coast. It was sweet. But she's gone. I like to think she's with Eywa too. Maybe I'll have another trippy dream and see her. Maybe. I miss her morning coffee breath and afternoon beer smell. It was homey. But now I have Tsu'tey.

He smells like fresh dew in the mornings, and a great fight at night. He always puts on a stern face, but I've learned he'll break his facade for me, anytime. He's sweet, we share a cocoon bed. He always sleeps last. He likes to hunt with me alone. He talks about teaching our child to be best after him. I just hope they're smart. I wanna teach them all about plants and wildlife, and how to speak English. It'll be our thing. And maybe Sai'Kee's too, Sai'Kee being Norm's adopted son. He was so smart. And sweet as could be. But also strong. A total difference from Norm, but oh well.

I look up at Tsu'tey, and feel the baby kick again. I smile. Home. A new home. A real family. And above all else, acceptance. I'm not the loner, not the only nerd, not the ugliest, and definitely not alone.

This is where my legacy ends. Maybe. I think after I get this baby out, I've got a few more adventures left. Maybe a trip to find Seth's hidden lineage. And maybe the ever elusive Hufwe Makto. Ryder needs a few friendly faces around.

Forget what I said. This here? This...

This is only the beginning...



I hope you guys liked this! Any comments I'd appreciate. Also, please tell your friends!!

I might work on a sequel, but I'm not sure. How about this, twenty requests and I'll make a sequel? That should give me time... Hopefully. I hope you all enjoyed this. Thank you for Twenty two chapters of ridiculousness and Iris failing, as well as falling *wink wink*. Anyway, please tell your friends, I'd love more views. And I hope you all vote, comment, and enjoy!

I love all my readers, which means I appreciate you all so very much!! Thank you all, my Sweets.

-A. Allen~~


I will NOT be taking requests for a sequel....


It'll be called Death From Above.

It follows the story of a lone hunter. He falls breathlessly in love with Tapi. But Tapi will not repeat her past, where her last mate-to-be died. This is a spin off, basically. I might make another where it's an ACTUAL sequel. Ion know yet...

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