𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 // 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞

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A/n: hi guys!!! So yeah, it sorta took me a long ass time to write a chapter, but the cover art is in! The winner was Alexa_532 for their adorkable art style! I absolutely loved it and you all should check out their account if you have the time! I know I sure will! Fair warning, this chapter is a long one! So, without further ado, sit back (or ya know hide under your covers at 3 am to read this like the majority of us), relax, and enjoy!
-chippy skippy 🖤

Jeremy stacked up the options beside the table. "Monopoly, the game of life, scrabble, trivia, clue, battle ship, connect four..." he listed aloud to the boys.

"Ooo, I haven't played the game off life in a while." Michael said, leaning over Jeremy's shoulder, blowing cold air into his ear to irritate his best buddy.

"Well, we need two games, so I'm in favor of that being one." Jeremy replied, lightly shoving Michael, looking from the games to his smirking friend, and then to Evan as he felt his cheeks redden slightly. Oh, so they could discuss porn just fine but as soon as Michael teasingly picked on him, thats where Jeremy's subconscious drew the line, that made tooootal sense.

"I like Life, well the game anyways." Evan joked with his own shy smile.

Michael snickered a bit, nodding in agreement as he picked up the game, placing it to his left. "Sweet! One more."

"Uh, how about scrabble?" Evan suggested.

Jeremy and Michael shared a look before doubling over in laughter. Soon enough they were holding their stomachs and twisting back and fourth on the floor

"Uh, g-guys?" Evan asked, concerned and highly confused. He knew Jeremy a bit, but had basically just met Michael. Was he supposed to dial 911 or something? Was this normal???

Jeremy finally sat up, still giggling. "Sorry Ev, hah, we hehe, just remember-heh-ed that when we were younger, haha, Michael came out as, hehah, gay to me, by.." he was practically wheezing with laughter as he attempted to communicate.

"I spelled out, "Mike is gay" when we played, but he was so focused on winning that when i got 24 points for it he yelled, "god dammit!" And scared me shitless. Finally when I got mad at him for 'not accepting me' he put two and two together and apologized profusely and gave me a hug." Michael explained.

Jeremy's brain clicked like an old Saturday morning silent cartoon, where the character had a bright lightbulb pop above his head. He knew Michael had been receiving mixed signals about his sexuality, which was completely his doing. Honestly Jeremy hadn't even thought about the fact he had never formally addressed that with Michael. Sure, he was sure Michael wasn't oblivious enough to miss his subtle statement like when they watched avengers and Jeremy mumbled, 'take me' under his breath during Spiderman's scene. But, Michael hadn't really ever head on addressed a situation like that. He usually would laugh it off, not wanting to pressure Jere into any confession he wasn't ready to make. But, it was finally time for him to officially come out to Michael.

"Looks like we are playing Scrabble and Life." Jeremy smiled.


"Can I go first?" Jeremy asked, being the youngest. His whole life, Jeremy had grown accustomed to the whole 'youngest go first' rule. So he was happy Michael was an October baby, and he was a January kid.

"Yeah, yeah, go for it, sport." Mr. Heere nodded, patting his son on the back and rolling his eyes. They played The Game of Life first, Jeremy spinning the spinny thing and smiling. Soon, it landed on 7 and then started the game. Half of the fun in game night had to be the food. The other half was split between the conversations and competition.

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