𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧 // 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤

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A/N: a little shorter than the last, but yall are finally gettin close!

Evan paced back and forth in the bedroom as he waited for Jeremy to return from walking Michael out to the car. He should tell him, right? Evan would wanna know if it were Connor.

But was it his place to tell him? No, no, he shouldn't! He just met the kid he didn't need to already be meddling in his love life! He should just pretend he heard nothing. He was asleep.

Yeah, that's it.

Here is Evan's Story: Last night, he crawled into the bunk passed out. He dreamt that Michael said he loved Jeremy. Haha, dreams are silly, right?  Evan heard nothing and therefore would say nothing.

Jeremy icy cold bare feet softly scraped the floor, walking slowly to his bedroom, still feeling the burden of exhaustion as noticeable as his messy bed head. He was clothed in a loose pair of black sweats and an oversized spider man shirt that he had changed into upon waking up. He pushed open the door with a small yawn, stretching as he smiled at Evan. "G'mornin Ev, how'd ya slee—"

"Michael is in love with you!" He blurted out, immediately covering his mouth wide eyed. Shit.

Shit was right. Evan felt his heart hop right on up to his throat. Wow, great job not meddling in your soon to be step brother's business. If he hadn't learned his lesson from the Jared-Zoey situation, he was sure that he would now.

The Jared-Zoey situation. About time we jump into Evan's past. Once upon a grand old Sophomore year of high school, Evan Hansen had a friend. Shocking? Well, in all fairness, it was a family friend. Yeah, don't give the boy tooo much credit.

Well, back to it. Jared Kleinman was a pretty cool dude, to Evan at least. He was funny enough to gain at least a bit of respect from the quote unquote cool kids. It was an interesting relationship. Jared made fun of just about anyone he pleased, but this put him on a level of hionest respect that even if he was teasing Heather Fucking Chandler, she would just roll her eyes, pucker her red lips, and go with it. At the same time, Jared wasn't considered popular by his peers, just a class clown that floated under the radar. But to a little ball of anxiety and awkwardness like Evan Hansen, Jared was god.

Evan tried to be pretty close with Jared, since it was about the only thing that stood between him and the bottom of the social chain. Jared on the other hand was far less interested in the friendship. Or at least, he acted this way. It hurt Evan to have to refer to his only friend as a family friend.

Then there was Zoe Murphy. Zoe Murphy was among the few people in the school that did not fit in a group. She was Just Zoe Murphy. The same way Christine Canigula was herself and nobody seemed to mind, Zoe just did as she pleased, sat where she sat, and had the confidence, or maybe just lack of shits to give, to sit at lunch where she pleased. Lets just say, a girl that didn't fall to her knees at Chloe or Heathers feet when her outfit didn't match up, but still didn't define herself as a nobody, yeah, Evan was head over heels.

So he did it. He manned the hell up and ACTUALLY JOINED Jazz band. The issue was, he wasn't the only one. Jared followed him their. His family friend seemed to be hitting it off much better with Zoe than Evan could with his sweaty hands.

Yet, at lunch the next day, the three in the back table ate together. Jared joked, Evan stuttered, and Zoe seemed genuinely happy. Then, the next day, they sat together again. Weeks later, the three were near inseparable.

Then, one day while the band played, Evan tried something. He tried to sit next to Zoe instead of Jared. He only assumed that the family friend would be proud of him for, "not being a pussy" but, when Jared came in, he had a puzzled look, then brought his chair RIGHT BETWEEN the two. It finally clicked. Jared liked Zoe too. Immediately, Evan was upset by this. Sure, Jared was a bit of a dick sometimes, but he never thought Jared meant what came out of his mouth.

So that day at lunch, when Jared began his usual poking fun at the anxious boy, Evan told him off. In a moment he is now far less than proud of, he quipped back, replying to some dumb joke about how flustered he could make Evan, with a statement that contained some choice words about how damn flustered Jared would be if he told Zoe his litttle secret. Then, he didn't shut up. He told Zoe how Jared was an amazing friend. Nice enough to follow him to jazz band. Nice enough to tease him about liking her. Nice enough to make Evan VERY aware he didn't have friends--but Jared had a car that needed insurrence. Nice enough to try to steal the girl he had been head over heels for since Freshman year.

Now, if you would like to jump to Evan's defense, who would blame you? Jared did kinda treat him like a dick. The only problem with this was that Evan had been completely wrong. 100% wrong. So far from the truth that even the laid back Zoe cringed when Jared nodded along to this then informed Evan.

"One: You are a fucking dick for pulling a move like that instead of just talking to me like a nor,al person. Two: I am gay, and I liked you."

And that was the last thing his family friend had ever said to Evan. Sure that sounds salty, but Evan soon realized how jared saw this all. The boy whose only defense mechanism was comedy picked on Evan because he loved him. He actually fucking loved him. Jared listened to rants about Zoe constantly and was torchered every day by the supposedly straight boy. Then, Evan had the audacity to 'call him out' in front of the girl that he thought that Jared liked. That was just not the way the two were supposed to treat each other. Evan knew it.

Two weeks later, Evan briefly met Connor Murphy in the hospital. Evan had a broken arm, and Connor was in for his first attempt.

And with tat information disclosed, we will now return to our regularly scheduled program of Jeremy being a dumb bitch.

"What? When- he just met you- he- wait- holy shit really? Can you like read minds? Did he tell you? Are you joking?" He stumbled out, looking happily confused.

Yes Evan, you just guessed. You just think he does, tell Jeremy that he just acted like it and that he should test his luck...


"Evan-- Evan!" Jeremy cut him off.

Aw, shit. Plan B, go with it and hope for the best. "...yes?"

"One, breathe. Two... Holy shit... like... like really?" He asked. Evan nodded weakly. "Wha-what do I- am I supposed to, how do I?"

"I'm gonna take that as the feeling is mutual." Ean stated, head falling forward as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Jeremy bit his lip. "No shit." he replied, cheeks burning red as his stomach was bubbling with excitement from the news. "Right, sorry... just... Holy shit. Holy fucking shit!"

Evan giggled a bit, mind flashing back to how him and Jeremy shared a love for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he preferred the mainstream heroes while Jeremy was a big X-men guy, but they both really admired the comic book plot lines. Anyways, this inspired the shorter to say, "Language!"

Jeremy snorted. "Yeah, yeah, Cap."

Alrighty, poor timing, he knows, but just because he has to put it out there-- Evan would totally be Captain America, Connor would be Bucky Barnes, Jared is totally Falcon, Zoe is Peggy, Christine is Mary Jane, Jeremy would be Spiderman, Michael Deadpool, Alex Hamilton Jr. is Tony Stark, and John is Bruce Banner--

Okay yeah, back too it- the author just had to geek out a bit. Yup, you heard it here folks, Deadpool isn't the only one who can make fourth wall breaking jokes.

"Well Queens," Evan giggled, " I say you ask him out. Ask him on a date. Do something sweet, but not too sweet. So he doesn't feel forced to say yes. You don't want him to think your friendship relies on him agreeing to go on a date. Here... I think I have a plan..."

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