Fuck Buddies (3)

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The final part...

I wanted to get this out quickly because I'm working on a few stories and a handful of oneshots.

As usual...Share/Vote/Comment


"So Alec knows."

"Alec knows what?" Simon asked distractedly. Jace was in his apartment, making dinner while he played CoD.

It was all too domestic.

It was also risky as fuck.

Clary often dropped in unannounced and she had a key. But he had called her earlier to tell her he was having company over and she was not allowed to pop in without calling first.

She had cooed and told him to get his shit together and introduce his girlfriend to his friends already.

"Alec knows about us." Jace said. Simon faltered and there was an explosion on screen. He barely noticed.

"What?" Simon asked, turning and getting on his knees on the couch. "How? Why? You told him?"

Jace shot him a dirty look. "I told you I wouldn't."

"Yeah. Sorry." Simon said, going for contrite. "But...how?"

"The girls were going on about how you had this new girlfriend and then Clary said she was going to stalk you and find out who she was and I had to stop her."

Simon looked at him, skeptically. "Still don't know how Alec is involved."

Jace sighed. "I told the girls and Alec that I promised not to tell anyone who your mystery lady is." Simon opened his mouth to ask how she knew but Jace raised his hand. "Let me finish. She asked me how I knew about your girlfriend and I said I kinda saw you and Alec was there and he knew I was lying. So that's it..."

"So you lied...for me?" Simon asked slowly. He was partly giddy that Jace was willing to do that for him and partly guilty for putting Jace in that position. When they eventually told people about them, wouldn't it be a bit...awkward?

"You OK?" Jace asked.

"You didn't have to do...that." Simon said, sighing. "Won't they be upset that you lied?"

"They'll be OK." Jace said, dismissively. "I got you, OK?"

"Yeah." Simon smiled distractedly. His thoughts were all over the place. Would it be such a big deal if Clary and the others knew about him?

"I can hear you thinking." Jace said, sitting next to him. "You don't have to decide anything now."

"But...I'm not really comfortable with you lying for me."

"It's not lying per se." Jace said. "I see it more as keeping some details to myself. Let's say I'm not ready to share you just yet."

"Aww." Simon smiled. "And you say you don't know how to be romantic. You just blew my mind."

"That's not all I can blow." Jace said, his voice muffled against Simon's neck. He gasped softly as Jace bit the side of his neck gently.

"Oh." Simon sighed. "What-What about...oh my!" he squeaked as Jace pushed him to lie on his back on the couch. He moaned as Jace pushed up his tshirt. "J-Jace. Dinner..."

"Dinner will be fine." Jace murmured against the skin of his belly. Simon threw his head against the arm of the couch and arched against him.



"Was that Jace?" Clary asked as she walked into his apartment.

"Was what Jace?" Simon hoped his voice didn't shake.

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