Be Your Guy (excerpt)

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This is an excerpt from a new Jimon fic I'm working on (one of them). There's a reference to Jace cheating so I apologize. When the story is done, all will be explained. I hope you enjoy this...

Also there is a minor sexual situation at the end of this story so if you are not into it...well, you can always skip.

It was barely ten minutes after he walked into the club with Alec that Jace saw him.


He was…breathtaking. Even in the dim lighting of the club.

He sat at the bar, laughing at something his companion said. His teeth were white and he wore those cute wire rimmed glasses Jace associated with nerds when he was in college. He wore a black tshirt so tight it should be illegal and even tighter skinny jeans. His hair was longish and as Jace watched, he ran his hands through it, pushing the locks away from his face. He was slim but toned. His arms bunched underneath the short sleeves of the tshirt and he had a tattoo going up one arm.

Jace watched, feeling like some sort of voyeur as the guy, no…god, threw back a shot and grimaced. He shook his head and Jace swallowed hard as he licked his lips.

What was wrong with him? He had never reacted to a guy like this before. Except maybe Alec, but that was way back when…when he thought he was in love with his best friend.

But the attraction had never hit him like this.

Like a punch to the gut.

“What’s wrong?” Alec asked. “What are you looking at?”

Jace jerked slightly and looked away from the guy that held his attention. “What? Nothing…” he said quickly, looking at his friend with a smile.

Alec scowled at him and arched an eyebrow. He looked back towards the area Jace was just looking and his eyebrows rose almost comically. “Do you know that guy?”

“No.” Jace said on a sigh. “He is, uh…he looked familiar.”

Alec turned to look at him and studied him. “Jace…”

“Come on…” Jace cut him off and grabbed his arm, turning away from the guy at the bar. “Let’s find your other half. If I recall, you guys have planned to show me a good time.”

Alec rolled his eyes but allowed Jace to pull him away. His expression was still uneasy. And worried.

“Will you stop that?” Jace said with a hint of irritation in his voice. “I thought I saw someone I knew. That’s all.” He knew he was a bad liar, especially to Alec but he didn’t need anyone telling him…

"You do remember that you are engaged, right Jace?” Alec reminded him. " And I know that look..."



“What’s your point?” Jace asked, turning to shoot his friend a glare.

“No point.” Alec said evenly. “Are you sure you want to marry her? You know…”

“It’s what she wants.” Jace said, crossing his arms; cutting him off. He didn't need this now.

“What do you want?” Alec asked, staring down at him. “You are allowed to think about yourself too, you know?”

Jace couldn’t help looking back at the bar. Another guy had joined the duo at the bar and was pushing at the bespectacled, tattooed man making him laugh again. He looked stunning when he laughed. The way his teeth glinted and his eyes crinkled at the corners.

Just The Two of Us (Jimon) Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now