You'll Forever Be My Always

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I listened to Ruelle's I Get To Love You and I'm a little emotional. Hence, Jimon.


Jace was nervous.

He didn't know how to deal with that particular emotion because Jace Herondale never ever got nervous.

Like, he can't even remember ever feeling this way.

Except, maybe when he first got together with Simon eight years ago. But. Simon had made it easy; kissing him before he could get a word out. Then asked him out.

The rest, they say, was history.

Now, however, this was different.

This was big.

He put his hand in his pocket, feeling the box inside and his heart rate increased.

He loved Simon and he knew Simon loved him. He knew long before Simon said anything. Nobody had ever put up with his shit the way Simon did. And no one ever stood up for him the way his boyfriend did either. He chuckled slightly when he remembered Simon standing up to Alec, of all people, for him.

It was then he knew he wanted to be with Simon forever.

It had taken some thinking but he was ready. He also had a feeling that Simon was irritated with him. Not that he blamed him, he had been a little bit distracted and Simon really hated that.

But Jace had been nervous since he had made the decision and well, everyone knows he doesn't know how to deal with nervous.

He sighed as he remembered his earlier conversation with Alec.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked, looking at the ring in the box in Jace's hand. "This is big."

"I know." Jace said. "And I'm sure. I want this with him."

"And he doesn't have a clue?" Magnus asked.

"Well, after all this time, I think I can surprise my boyfriend." Jace said.

"When are you doing it?" Alec asked.

"Tonight." Jace said. "At home, when he gets back from work."

"Cool." Alec nodded, looking at the ring again. "Do you want us there?"

"God, no." Jace said quickly, putting the ring back into his pocket. "I love you guys I want to do this alone. I-I need to this alone."

"Are you nervous?" Magnus asked. "You look a little green."

"Hell, yes!" Jace said, laughing shakily. "I'm going to ask Simon to marry me. Oh my God! I think I'm going to be sick."

He heard Simon long before he opened the door. His boyfriend stopped short. "Jace? Why are you standing in the dark?"

Jace hadn't even realized that it was already dark. "Hey. Had a good day?" he asked.

"Don't ask." Simon huffed. "You would not believe the crap I have had to deal with today. And Magnus kept calling me acting all weird. Well, weirder than usual. I think Alec should see if he's doing drugs. I have heard it happen. New parents doing drugs 'cos their kids..."

"Breathe..." Jace said in amusement and he walked up to him and kissed him.

Simon gave him a dry look. "Oh, you like me again?"

"What do you mean?" Jace asked, stoking his hair. He needed a haircut. "I always like you. In case you've forgotten, I kinda love you."

"Kinda?" Simon pouted but his eyes shone with amusement and relief. "Well, I know for sure that I love you, so there."

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