Chapter 7 - you can't loose your sanity if you never had it

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Y/n's POV

I sit at mine and JD's lunch table in the corner, his arm around my waist as we eat our poisonous cafeteria food and talk, sharing the occasional kiss every once and awhile. We're officially dating and damn Loreina was pissed. She had told my dad and I got the sh*t beat out of me for it...

You need to get revenge on her. The voice in my head said like a mother telling her kid to eat their greens. And your stepmom... and your dad. You're right. I'm always right. No your not. Give me an example of when I was wrong! Touché.

"What's on your mind darling?" JD asks casually, turning to face me.

"I'm sick of Loreina and her crap."

"You're not the only one." He replies turning back to his 'food'.

"I'm also sick of my stepmom and my dad. I want revenge." I say bluntly, grasping my plastic spork so hard that it breaks and cuts my palm. "Sh*t!"

I drop the pieces of plastic and look at my hand which has a small cut in the center of the palm. Bright red blood flows from it. I bring it up to my face and lick off the blood. Some people may find it gross but I've never had a problem with the taste of blood. Maybe it's because I've got beaten so much that I'm used to it. Wait, am I talking about getting abused casually? Damn, I really am insane. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a small cough to my right. I look up to see JD with his lips turned upwards into a flirtatious smirk.

"That was pretty hot." He says, a faint blush creeping onto his face.

"Oh was it?" I say, grinning at the fact that I made Jason F*cking Dean blush. "Anyway, where were we? Oh right! Revenge!"

"Well, Y/n baby, I have an idea on how we can get Loreina back for what she's put you through." JD said, stroking my hair gently. An evil smirk spreads across his handsome face. This should be good. I think.

"What is this master plan?" I ask.

"I'll tell you this evening when I have what I need." He says. I frown at him but he just laughs and presses his chapped lips to mine.

-timeskip brought to you by my sudden motivation to update-


I'm lying on Y/n's bed with her next to me, arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. I look down at her and smirk at the small mark I had left on her neck earlier. I then let my eyes travel down her body, taking in every curve and crevice of her perfect figure. When my gaze reaches her legs I notice the angry red patch on her leg where her father had poured bleach on her. It looks painful and raw like a burn, yet it had been caused by chemicals. I grimace thinking about the sick man who calls himself her father. Yes, I've murdered people before but what he did was just sick.

"So, are you gonna tell me what your plan is? I'm in the mood for revenge." She says.

"Well of course!" I say. I huff as I sit up to grab something wrapped in my trench coat which is sitting on the floor. I pick up my coat along with whats inside. "These," I pull a gun out of the bundle along with some bullets. "Wait... you take French right?"

"Yes..." She says suspiciously.

"Well, these are Ich Lüge bullets. The Nazis used them to fake their own deaths. My grandad snagged them in WW2." I say easily. It pains me to say it though, it brings back memories of when I told the same lie to Veronica.

Y/n smirks. "Nice try, babe, but I speak fluent German and 'I lie' bullets aren't a thing." She then reaches out and takes the gun and bullets from my hands.

"Don't get rid of them!" I yell desperately. "They hurt you! They have to pay! Please just give it back and they won't hurt you anymore!"

Y/n looks at me with an insane smile. I've damaged her. She's insane... "You misunderstood me, JD." She then turns on her heel and quickly makes her way out of her room.

**Warning: Gore, violence, blood, death

3rd Person (surprise b*tch)

Y/n made her way down the hallway with the gun, stopping abruptly in front of a closet that held many household items along with a rope. Oh, how many sickening memories were tied to that son of a b*tch. The nights she had spent tied up and beaten then left to escape and get help.

Y/n shook her head to clear the memories from her head before making her way to the kitchen where her stepmom was making dinner. She snuck up behind the bleach-blonde woman and hit her hard in the back of the head with the butt of the gun. Her stepmom fell backwards, dazed, giving Y/n enough time to grab a pan to smash against her head, rendering the woman unconscious. A sickly sweet, insane smile crept onto her chapped lips as she tied her unconscious stepmom up.

Y/n headed to the living room to find Loreina on the phone. Using the same pan and gun she knocked out Loreina before dragging her by the legs to the kitchen, managing-with difficulty- to carry both the pan, and the gun, whilst pulling Loreina. Once she made it to the kitchen she tied Loreina up next to her stepmom. She then gagged the two with washcloths and took a step back to examine her handiwork.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, JD stood in the doorway; terrified, but turned on all the same. There before her lay the two unconscious women, blood slowly trickling down their heads from the harsh blows that had been delivered. Y/n patched up their wounds best she could. It wouldn't be any fun if they bled to death, would it?

She turned on her heel and grabbed some vinegar from a cabinet over the sink, then grabbed some bleach from below the sink. Finally she snatched a lemon from the fruit bowl and took a large knife from the knife block as well as a cup. Y/n opened the bottle of vinegar and poured some into the cup. She then opened the bottle of bleach and caught a whiff of it sickening smell. She shuddered at the memories as her hand went subconsciously to the chemical burn on her leg. Quickly, Y/n poured some bleach into the cup and closed the bottle, gagging at the stink. She reached for the lemon when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, making her tense up then relax.

"I thought you were going to get rid of the gun." JD said, pressing his lips into the crook of her neck. Y/n blushed before cutting the lemon in half.

"Why would I do that?" She asked. "They made my life a living hell, I'm just returning the favour." The knife had lemon juice dripping off it and onto the counter. It's blade reflected the light as Y/n turned it over in her hands.

JD, still holding onto Y/n's waist, turned around so that they were both facing Loreina and Y/n's stepmom. Her stepmom nodded awake then her eyes shot open. She began moving around and shaking in a desperate attempt to escape, her screams muffled by the gag in her mouth. Her movement soon woke up Loreina who sat in shooked silence, staring in disbelief at Y/n and her beloved JD.

"Ahh, good morning sunshine!" Y/n said smirking and squeezing the lemon juice into the cup and stirring the mixture with the knife. "You're finally awake! I thought you were dead. Good thing you aren't..." Y/n's smirk grew into a truly insane smile as her voice changed from light and happy to low and intimidating. If they didn't regret ever hurting Y/n before, Loreina and her mother certainly did now.

A/N: sorry for not updating sooner. I'm not going to make excuses I just didn't update but here goes! Thanks to SimplyShi1130 for writing the whole torture scene! Your the best. Thanks for reading my little tea biscuits!


~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now