Chapter 9 - Questions Unanswered

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Y/n sighed, looking around her home. She had been allowed to go in to grab a few things—with a policeman's escort of course.

"Where is your room, Miss?" The policeman asked, his voice gentle as if Y/n would have a mental breakdown from just being in the house where she endured so much trauma. In truth, Y/n was glad to be back. Sure, she had been beaten, yelled at, abused mentally and physically, heck, she had bleach poured on her leg in that house but she also ended that suffering. In retrospect, she was truly insane. Truly crazy. Sick, twisted, mentally disturbed. Nobody, even in her position, would kill their family. Yet she did.

"My room is just this way." Y/n said, walking towards her room and opening the door. She didn't even stop to stare around her room, she just went to her closet and shoved some jeans, shorts, tank tops, hoodies, socks, shoes, and underwear in a suitcase before picking it up. Then it hit the floor. The thud of the case on the floor was muffled by the stained carpet. The window was open. Memories. Memories flood in. Is this what breaking feels like? She felt like a flood gate had been opened and all her pain flooded her chest. It hurts, but she can't show it. Weakness was for the weak. Stoic as ever, huh Y/n? The voice is back. It's mocking tone is like a friend. It pushed away her sanity and helped her get rid of my "family." I guess so. Come on girly, get back before the fuzz gets suspicious. Thank you. What do you mean? I pick up my suitcase and leave the room. Hey! Hey! Why are you thanking me? Y/n? Y/n!

"Lets go." She nods at the policeman and he nods back, leading her out of her house for the last time.


Y/n's POV

We pull up to JD's house in the cop car. It's a nice house. A beach condo. Looks expensive, fancy. I guess his dad does run a big business.

JD stands out the front, a cigarette dangling from his lips. His hair falls over one eye. He smirks at me as I get out of the car. I walk towards him, suitcase in hand. He takes his cigarette out of his mouth and leans down for a kiss. I smirk and take the cancer stick out of his hand and replace it with my bag. I take a drag. I blow smoke in JD's face. I give him a peck on the lips. It's all so strange. To act normal after all that happened. Then again, we were never normal, were we?

"Hey! You good?" The officer in the car beeps his horn and shouts at me. I turn and give him the thumbs up. He nods and drives away.

"Lets go, babe." I lean up against JD's side.

"Why, of course, my dear lady! Wait, where are my manners? Come, my lady!" He smirked and playfully offered his arm for me to take, his other hand held my bag.

We head into the house and are met with a nicely furnished living room and an older man sitting on the couch. I stop and take a look at him. He has gray hair and isn't in the best of shape. His face is similar to JD's. The ghost of good looks remains on his face, concealed by wrinkles and a mildly insane smile.

"Well dad, do I finally get to meet my girlfriend?" He asked casually, standing up. I felt  my eyes widen in shock and confusion.

"I dunno son, I like her a lot. I think I might just keep her!" JD replied, wrapping his arm around my waist and putting down my bag.

"U-uh can I butt in and ask what kind of pedophilia is going on here?" I say, glancing awkwardly between the two.

We all stood in a weird silence. It wasn't awkward, nor was it comfortable. Okay, it was very awkward. Then JD and his dad both burst out laughing.

"Don't worry baby! It's just a joke, calm down!" JD pulled me to his chest and ran his fingers through my knotted hair. I sighed and flicked him in the nose before sliding out of his grasp and turning to face his dad. I held out my hand out for him to shake.

~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now