Chapter 12 - Seattle

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The blinds do nothing to block the sun, and I'm faced with yellow light trying to force its way into my eyes, dying my eyelids red. I study the illuminated veins in my eyelids. I heard the sheets move, seconds later I felt a weight on my chest. It was warm. I wrapped my arms around Y/n. Her hair was soft, despite the tangles. The sweat that remained on our skin from the previous night made our skin stick together. She hummed slightly. It wasn't any real tune, just sleepy noises.

"Morning." My voice was raspy and sleepy. I still didn't bother to open my eyes.

"What time is it?" Y/n's voice was worse than mine, a small gurgling noise escaping from her throat. I chuckled slightly. I knew I had to brave the sunlight if I wanted to know the time. It took quite a bit of self-control to open my eyes. When I did, light assaulted my eyes, causing me to tear up. I took one of my arms off of my girlfriend to wipe the tears away. When my vision was clear I turned to look at the clock.

"Noon." I laughed slightly. We certainly slept in. I looked down at the woman on my chest. The sweat on her skin reflected the afternoon light. Her h/l h/c hair was scruffy and knotted.

"I think we slept in." I felt her mouth move as her face was half squished up against my chest.

"Maybe." My voice was laced with sarcasm. "You think we should get up?"

Y/n groaned as she rolled off me. I watched as she sat up, shaking the sheets of her bare body. Her body was perfect. Knowing I was watching her, she swayed her hips as she walked across the room. When she reached the dresser, she bent down far more than necessary in order to grab a tank top and sweatpants. Not that I'm complaining. I stared at her ass shamelessly. I climbed out of bed as she began to put on the clothes, not bothering with underwear. As I passed her to get to my clothes I felt her smack my behind.

"Nice ass, babe." Before I could retaliate she skipped out of the room.

I snatched up a pair of sweats, not bothering with a shirt and chased her out of the room, nearly tripping on my not fully pulled up pants. I managed to catch up with Y/n at the top of the stairs, sweeping her up into my arms bridal style. She laughed, struggling slightly as a I carried her down the stairs into the kitchen. I finally dropped her. She struggled with her footing for a second before regaining her balance. I reached into the breadbox and grabbed a few slices of bread. I had just dropped them into the toaster then Y/n sprung up, clinging onto me from behind. I nearly fell over.

"Jesus, Y/n. I'm trying to make you food!" I pried her off my back with some difficulty.

"But I want attention." She pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes. I tuned to face her properly.

"Oh you want attention? I'll give you attention." I smirked and lunged towards her, burying my face in her neck. Y/n shrieked.

"Not that kind of attention you horny bastard!" she struggled out of my arms as I sighed and turned around.

"Then let me make you breakfast." I said, pushing the bread down so it would toast. There was a distinct and exaggerated sigh as my girlfriend shuffled over to the kitchen table. I sighed myself, turning around and leaning against the counter. I smirked slightly, raising my eyebrow in mild exasperation. She opened her mouth to say something when my dad walked into the room.

"Isn't it a school day?" He says.

We both ignore the slight "oh shit" from Y/n. "Well yes, son, but you forgot to finnish your homework so we'll just play sick for the day." I watch my dad go over to the coffee pot and begin to make coffee.

Y/n's POV

I plopped myself down on top of the kitchen table as JD and his dad did the role-reversed thing. I didn't pay much attention, instead choosing to pick at my fingernails. The toaster popped, I jumped, nearly falling off the table. JD laughed as he grabbed the toast, put it on a plate, grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a knife and put them down next to me. I scowled at him but he just grinned and leaned in, kissing me. I hate to say I'm so easily distracted by such things, but he was a pretty damn good kisser. Big Bud Dean cleared his throat.

"Sorry to break this up, but I have a little news. I'm finished with my job here. We're going to Seattle."

There was a strange silence in the room, unsure of what this meant. I looked between my boyfriend and his dad.

"No. You're going to Seattle." I widened my eyes in surprise as JD spoke. "Y/n hasn't sold her dad's house yet. We could live there, we could sell it and buy another house, but we're not staying here with you."

"I'm your dad! You have to come with me."

"Mom found a way away from you, so why can't I?"


Three days had passed. We had all packed and were ready to go our own ways. Or at least we were.

"Ready, love." He buried his face in my neck, peppering kisses down to my collarbone. I turned to face him.

"Ready as we'll ever be, babe." I smiled, leaning into his touch. I closed my eyes, savouring his touch. In the next few minutes we would leave his dad's house and bring the rest of our stuff⁠—which was really only a couple suitcases of clothes—to the new, two bedroom apartment we had bought. Money wasn't going to be an issue. We had already sold, or were in the process of selling most of my "family's" stuff, all of which was expensive. I had also managed to sell a bloodstained kitchen mat to some creepy murder enthusiast. Though neither JD or I are in position to call anyone a creepy murder enthusiast.

I tilted my head back, giving my boyfriend more access to my neck, groaning slightly and tugging at his hair. He pushed me back so I bumped into the wall and as he slowly reached up my tank top, smirking at me, someone cleared their throat loudly. We broke apart, to see Big Bud Dean standing on the other side of the empty living room, giving us an uncomfortable look.

"Goodbye, son." He paused, looking at me with a tight-lipped smile. "Y/n."

"Mr. Dean." The tension was so thick that a chainsaw wouldn't be able to cut it. With one last look at the two of us, he picked up his suitcase and walked out of the house. The second the door closed Jd was attacking my lips with his. His hands on my ass, my hands in his hair. I pulled back, reluctantly. JD whined. "You're dad just walks out of your life and the first thing you think to do is kiss me? You sure you're sane?"

He laughed, smirking and leaning in so our lips barely brushed against each other. "Just as sane as you are, darling."

~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now