Epilogue - Just As Sane As You Are

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Third Person

Y/n stepped out of the shower, drying off and pulling on a dry tank top and pair of underwear. Wrapping a towel around her head, she stepped out of the bathroom and headed into the living room where her bloodstained husband stood, phone to his ear.

"What do you mean I have to pick them up?" JD shot a quick smile at Y/n as she began unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off him so she could clean it. "Can't they take the bus home like every other day? No- no I get they're in trouble but we don't have the time."

Y/n rolled her eyes at him. She knew they had time to pick up the kids. She knew exactly what he wanted to do. The same thing they did everytime they finished a job, and the same thing that gave them kids in the first place.

"JD, babe. I'll pick them up." Y/n rolled her eyes as the man gave her a pleading look. Snatching the phone from his hand she put on her best mom voice. "Yes, Mr. Duncan. Yes, I understand this is a recurring issue. I-" SHe was cut off as the man began berating her on her parenting. With an exasperated sigh, she spoke over the angry man. "Do you want me to pick them up or not?"


Teachers watched out the windows in their doors to see a familiar woman walking down the halls to the principal's office. At least once a week either Jason or Y/n Dean could be seen at the school to pick up Diana and Ambrose Dean. Teachers often wondered what the children's home life was like. They both seemed very fond of their parents, but no one seemed to know anything about the family except for the strange deaths of Y/n's father, stepmother, and stepsister. The pair were certainly beautiful and charming people, but nobody knew where they worked. People suspected Y/n had invested the money she had inherited from her father and that was how they made a living, but that didn't explain the business trips the teachers had heard Ambrose and Diana mention. Of course they didn't intend for the parent-teacher body to find out. You don't go around telling people you kill people for mountains of cash.

As the woman entered the office she noticed the secretary stiffen up. She rolled her eyes and walked up to the desk.

"Ah, M-Mrs. De-Dean. The uhh... I mean, Mr. D-Duncan will see yo-you now." The young woman avoided eye contact with Y/n, intimidated, though she didn't really know why.

"Can't I just take my kids?" She said, leaning on the counter, adjusting her denim jacket. The secretary explained through her many stutters that she couldn't let her do such a thing. Deciding she'd rather get this over with rather than messing with the poor secretary, she walked into the principal's office, not bothering to knock.

"Ah, Mrs. Dean." Mr. Duncan began.

"I've told you, call me Y/n." She sat down, kicking her feet up on the desk, getting a scathing look from the portly man in front of her.

"Mrs. Dean, I believe you should discipline your children better."

"I think you need to look into your bullying problem."

"Mrs. Dean, your children are the bullying problem."

"My kids don't hit unprovoked. I think your whole system is fucked. When I was in high school you could shoot blanks at someone and only get a three days suspension."

"This isn't the 80s anymore, Mrs. Dean."

"It feels like you haven't really improved anything since then." Y/n continued, not bothering to acknowledge Mr. Duncan's statement. "Back then teachers cafes bat shit for verbal bullying. They didn't care much more if shit got physical. Now you don't give a shit about what people might be saying to my kids, but you care when they fight back. Now if you don't mind I came here to pick up my kids." She stood up, nodded at Mr. Duncan, and left, not bothering to look back as he yelled for her to come back. After interrogating the secretary as to which classes her kids were in, she headed off for the history classroom.

"Ah, Mrs. Dean. The principal didn't say you were coming." The teacher said, adjusting her glasses.

"Well I am. She nodded at Ambrose and Diana who began packing their bags and quickly followed their mother out the classroom. The two teenagers gave their mom a quick hug before letting her lead them to the car. When they were all buckled in, Y/n adjusted her rear view mirror to see the twins.

"So, who'd ya punch?"

"Suzanna Jones, Jenna Czerwinski, and Jimmy Pollino." Ambrose said, flipping his floppy hair out of his eyes. He reminded Y/n of teenage JD.

"How bad did ya get em?" She continued.

"The injuries totaled two black eyes, a split lip, a cut above the eyebrow, and a possible broken nose." Diana smirked confidently.

"Did they deserve it?"

"They were calling my baby brother a bitch and taking the piss outta you and dad." Diana continued.

"I'm younger than you by thirteen minutes!" Ambrose turned to glare at his sister, turning to glare at his mother when she laughed. When the car pulled into the apartment building's parking lot she stepped out of the car and held out her hands to her kids. They both gave her a high five.

When they entered the apartment building, the three were met with a shirtless JD doing the laundry. "Well, babe, we raised our kids well."

"Who, how bad, and why?" The man turned to the twins who repeated what they had told their mom in the car. He turned to his wife. "We did raise them well." He pulled Y/n into a passionate kiss, ignoring ther exclamations of disgust from their kids. 

~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now