Chapter 10 - Nightamre

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"I-" Shit how do I say this?

"I-" Just go for it?

"I-" Shit.

"I-" Fuck.

"I-" Do I just go for it?"

"I-" Stop saying 'I' it's stupid.

"Well..." Come on!

"You see..." Fuck it.

"I killed my mother." Y/n looked away, tears in her eyes. She gasped for air. Admitting this had the opposite effect than expected. Instead of a great weight getting lifted off her chest it doubled. A great fist was clutching her throat, it's grip like that of a crocodile. She knew it, she was done for.



"Y/n! How are you? Haven't seen you in ages. I heard what happened on the news though! Do you have somewhere to stay? My house is always open to you if you need." Lenny looked up from his phone when he heard Y/n's voice. He quickly ran out from behind the counter and engulfed her in a suffocating hug. JD stood behind her, smirking as his girlfriend looked at him with pleading eyes.

"L-lenny I c-can't breathe!" She gasped for air, trying desperately to escape from his grip.

"Oh! Sorry kid, I'm just glad your ok." He released Y/n, much to her relief. "Do you need somewhere to stay."

"Nah, I'm ok. I'm staying with JD." She gestured to her boyfriend who smirked, stepping forward and wrapping an arm around her waist. "I believe you two have met, just not properly."

The two men nodded at each other before Lenny looked back at Y/n. "I got someone for you to meet." Lenny turned his back on them and stuck his head in the back room.


I think that was the scariest head nod I've ever seen. Lenny looked like he would kill me if I hurt her. Usually I'm the one scaring people. Who knew I'd be intimidated by a fat bald man.

"I got someone for you to meet." He turned his back on Y/n and I, sticking his head into the back room. "ALEX IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT HERE IN T-MINUS NEGATIVE 3 SECONDS YOU PAY FOR YOUR OWN M&MS!" Y/n jumped in surprise, giving me a chance to hug her closer to me.

A few seconds later a well-built teenager entered the room. He had tan skin and a toned body, his muscles showing through a tight-fitting T-shirt. His hair sat in a messy brown mop on the top of his head. His sweatpants were falling off his hip, showing his v-line. If I was gay (or bi, or pan) or a straight/bi/pan girl, I'd say he was hot.

"Hey!" He said, his voice scratchy from lack of use. He quickly tugged the headphones from his Walkman, which for a few seconds I could hear what sounded like Queen before he put his headphones away. He walked past Lenny and held out his hand for Y/n to take. As soon as she did he brought her knuckles to his lips and gave her a devious smirk. Y/n pulled her hand back, seemingly in disgust but then again, I was behind her. He then stuck his hand out for me to take which I took, though begrudgingly. He kissed my knuckles as well. Now severely confused, I pull my hand back and give him a look that clearly says "bitch wtf?"

"I'm Alex." He looks me up and down then winks.

We continue this charade for several minutes, in which Alex continued to keep putting forward flirty remarks, offhand comments, and the occasional slideways look until it turns out not only I am getting anxious.

"Alex?" Y/n says monotonously.

"Yes, darling?" Alex responds, running a hand through his messy hair.

~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now