Chapter 8 - A Kiss for Chaos

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**Warning this chapter contains more blood, violence, and death. This book isn't pg exactly... oh well!


I watch as Loreina and Y/n's stepmom sit tied up on the ground. Tears stream down their faces as Y/n wiped the knife and advanced towards their quivering figures, holding the cup which was emitting a foul odor. She crouched down in front of her stepmom, her back to me. Her @ss looks pretty nice in those shorts...

I smirk as the tip of the blade presses against her despicable stepmom's cheek. She trembles and stares in horror at Y/n. Eventually enough pressure is applied to her skin that it breaks and small drop of crimson blood drips down her cheek. Y/n drags the blade along her cheek making the woman cry out pitifully.

"You're insane!" Loreina cried out, tears streaming down her face, washing away copious amounts of makeup.

"You should have thought of that before you f*cked up my mind." Y/n retorted, dipping the knife in the cup and pressing it's edge into her stepmom's cut, making her writhe in agony, her screams sounding almost like music to my ears.

"You sick b*tch-" Loreina yelled through her terrified sobs. She was cut off however by her own shriek of pain as the blood and vinegar-bleach-lemon-mixture covered knife sliced through her face. I couldn't help but smirk as I saw what damage had been done. Blood spurted out from her eye as it bled profusely. Her skin was split all along the side of her face, drenching her tear-soaked cheek with scarlet. Y/n let out a harsh bark of laughter before turning back to her stepmom.

And so the nightmare continued, but to me it was more like a sickly, sweet dream. Finally someone who was just as insane, if not more so than me. Y/n continued to cut every inch of skin she could reach, pouring the mixture into every single tiny wound, gash, and tear.

Eventually after what seemed like hours the two stopped struggling and screaming and sat, tied up and bleeding, awaiting their inevitable deaths.

"I... I k-knew... yo-you were a... a physco-" Y/n's stepmom gasped before slumping to the ground, her lifeless body falling on top of Loreina's.

Then there was a click in the lock. I press myself further into the shadows and Y/n steps back into the pantry and shuts the door.

Y/n's dad's POV

I sigh and aggressively shove my key into the lock. I'm sure Loreina will have discovered something else my worthless daughter did. I could let off some of the days stress by having a go at Y/n. That useless pig. It was all her fault her mother died. The lock clicks and I open the door, expecting to see Loreina on the couch on the phone with a friend like she usually is but I don't see her. Odd, she usually waits for me to get home so she can let me know what useless sh*t my daughter got up to when I was at work.

I set my keys down on the coffee table and then pause. I don't hear my wife cooking dinner in the kitchen. Suspiciously, I take a few cautious steps into the kitchen. Then I freeze. My wife and Loreina are lying on the ground, blood streaming from the many wounds that cover their almost unrecognizable bodies.

I'm semi-aware that my knees have hit the cold tile of the kitchen floor but I can only register the pain. Then I hear a voice.

"Hey! @sshole!" I snap out of shock and snap my head to my right.

"Y-Y/n!" I gasp, my eyes widening so much that my eyelids are practically rolled into my eye sockets. She's holding a gun.

"Have fun in hell motherf*cker!" She says, an insane look in her eyes. "If you see mom, say hi to her for me."

~Just as sane as you are~ JD x readerWhere stories live. Discover now