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~Chapter 1~

A rainy place we call home.

The car would have been silent had it not been for the overloaded bass that blasted through the ripped car speaker. Your gaze stayed out the window watching as the green, tree-filled scenery shifted as more and more quaint, rundown houses came into view. The rain seemed to pelt down harder the farther into the town you went making the once simply water-colored world into an unmalleable ball of gray. The car slows and your father finally seems to focus back in on the world, blinking a few times and muttering to himself as he pulls onto Salvation road, a sign prominent on its corner, 'Nockfell Homes: Affordable Homes in the beautiful hillside district.' the rest was nearly unreadable from so far away but it quickly didn't matter as you drove out of its view.

Through the trees, a gated arch appeared blocking an expansive field of gravestones from the reach of the general public. 'Neveroak Cemetery'.

Right next door a 'Phelps Ministery' sign sat close to the road, though the Church sat menacingly on top of the hill, a long winding road being the only way to reach it. A boy in a purple sweater was making his way up the glossy surface the rain had made with the pavement. You watched on, unable to stop the boy from sliding and sending the handful of pamphlets he was carrying onto the wet ground. The rest was blocked by a wall of trees as you pulled into the next road and old slightly rundown apartment building sitting at the end with a large sign at the entrance 'Addison Apartments'.

The car came to a quick halt throwing your body forward slightly, "Kid, we're here" your father, finally speaking for the first time since the last rest stop, called out as he pulled himself out of the car and made his way into the apartment building. A quiet groan comes out of your mouth as you moved from your draped position against the door, rubbing your tired eyes you peered up at the building.

It was old, pieces seemed to be falling off, the whole place gave off a strange vibe almost as if someone or something was watching you. A light tapping breaks you from your trance as you look over at the window to see your father frowning, his face dripping from the occurring downpour as he dangled a keychain in front of your face. Pulling the seat belt off you stumble out of the car, snagging your bag from the back seat you throw it over your shoulder quickly before absconding towards the building to avoid the drenching your father had received.

Pushing your way into the thankfully warm building you look around it wasn't anything crazy, there were mailboxes, a table beneath it with a small sign. 'Welcome Home'. Down the hall there was a line of doors which you assume led to apartments.

Your father walked ahead of you, leaving wet spots on the tiled floor below. Glancing back, he throws the keys toward you, which you clumsily catch in your free hand. They were new which you found surprising since this building seemed old and none of the doorknobs, at least on this floor seemed to be new seeing as they still held the wear and tear of many years of use. Flipping it around you read the number written of the tag connected to the keys, '403' 403, 403? Something about that number gives you a weird sense of Deja vu. Adjusting the hold on your bag you walk into the elevator, slowly the doors begin to close before a sneaker-clad foot places itself in the elevator's path and it slowly opens once more.

Two people pile into the elevator after you, their clothes dripping, and their bags significantly weighted down with water. The doors slowly closed and an awkward wave of silence crosses over the group, you take this moment to study the two. The taller of the two looked friendly enough, his hair was long and spilled out from beneath his red hood, a tired look on his face as he panted and attempted to offer you a friendly smile. The shorter of the two stood out far more, with bright blue hair pulled into pigtails and a mask covering his face he would draw anyone's eye. His eyes were clamped shut beneath and his shoulders moved a quick up and down motion so you can only assume he was trying to catch his breath. His eyes snap open and meet yours for a quick moment before you quickly look away as the heat begins to climb up your cheeks.

Shaking off your flustered face you tuck the keys in your pocket and turn to your father whose tired gaze is locked on the metal door of the elevator waiting for it to open again. It only takes a small nudge to get his attention, his gaze shifts to you as you pull your hands from your pockets. 'Doesn't this place give you a weird feeling, like. Like you're being watched or something'

He shakes his head, shoving your shoulder lightly, "You need to stop worrying, I told you already nothing ever happens in Nockfell." The two boys seem to flinch at this comment, glancing at each other before quickly turning their attention forward as though nothing happened.

Glancing over you raise an eyebrow at the two before turning back to your father with a frown, 'Nothing? Dad, I'm not stupid, the last time I felt this was when-' he quickly snatches your wrists before letting them drop down to your sides.

"Enough (Name)," His tone was forceful and closed off, he turns his head back to its original place as silence washes of the enclosed space.

You bounce slightly in place trying to shrug off the tense atmosphere, the taller boy from before clears his throat, "So... You guys must be the new tenants." Your father simply nods, bringing the space back into silence once more. Thankfully the doors to the fourth floor opened and the four of you exited the elevator quickly, going your separate ways. Glancing back at them you catch the smaller boy staring at you or maybe he was staring at the door beside you. Offering him a small smile and a wave you and disappear behind the door of 403, leaving the boy to look at the now-closed door in pity, you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into.

Another time, Another place [Sally Face Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now