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~Chapter 4~
A Ghost here, A Ghost there 

Two people sit in a small room facing each other, a mask rests on the table as the two talks.
"Mr. Fisher, what can you tell me about (Full name)?" The doctor questioned, clipboard in hand.

The man dressed in prison garbs simply sighs, "We weren't that close, we just lived in the same apartment building that's all."


The fifth floor was a mess, signs on the wall advised people to stay out while repairs were being done but it was obvious just by the smell of the place that no one had been up there for a long time. Pulling your shirt over your nose you follow behind Sal as he continues down the hallway, not even pausing as he enters apartment 504. More reluctantly you follow behind him, glancing around the darkened space, a feeling of dread crossed over you as your gaze met a boarded-up door. A light tug on your shirt brought your gaze away from the door and back to the blue-haired boy standing beside you. 

He lightly pats you on the shoulder before pulling out his walkie-talkie, "Larry Face?" 

A few moments of silence followed before the walkie-talkie crackled, "Sally Face." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm in the elevator, I'll be there in a few." Both of you stood in the darkroom for several minutes in silence before the door to the room opened, to reveal Larry. "Alright Sally Face, let's go meet your ghost friend" Larry teased and you could almost hear the eye-roll from Sal. 

Sal leads you both into the bathroom, which is much worse for wear than the rest of the floor. You crinkle your nose in disgust, as you hear Larry gag beside you, but Sal seemed completely unaffected. "I'll warn you guys now she might not show up, I haven't seen her in a little while," he informs you, as he pulls his gearboy out of his pocket. "Megan, are you there?" He calls out only to met with silence, "Megan, I brought some friends with me, I want you to meet them," again silence. 

"I don't think she's coming out man," Larry calls out to his friend, Sal turns to face the both of you and you offer him a sympathetic smile. 

You watch as Sal's shoulders drop slightly, "I guess you're right, I just thought she would come out today." 

Taking a few steps forward, Larry stands beside Sal, lightly patting his shoulder. "If you're that serious about showing us why don't you go downstairs and talk to Todd, he's into that kind of stuff." 

Sal looked back at him, surprise prominent in his eyes, "Really? I always thought he was, you know-" 

"Normal," the two said together, a chuckle was shared before Larry spoke up, "I've gotta keep an eye on my mom if you guys find anything you know where to find me." 

Quickly he exited the room, leaving you and Sal alone once again, the both of you stand there in silence for several seconds before Sal speaks up, "You alright?" he questions and you simply nod, it was far too dark in here for him to read anything so writing your concerns for this whole situation could wait for another time. With a small nod, Sal turned towards the door and made his way out of the foul-smelling bathroom with you following close behind him, wanting to get off this floor as soon as possible. You didn't even give the boarded door another glance as the two exited the apartment, quickly entering the elevator, letting out a silent sigh when the doors closed. A feeling of comfort crashed over you as both of you stood in the brightly lit and rather dirty elevator. 

Placing your hand on your chest to feel the heartbeat slow you hadn't realized until now how quickly it had been beating. Sal glanced over at you with a look of concern, you looked panicked, frightened even, maybe it had been a bad idea to bring you up there. The elevator dinged as you arrived on the second floor. When the door opened Sal quickly stepped out, nearly getting to Todd's apartment before he realized that you weren't following. Glancing back, he watched as the doors to the elevator close with you still inside. You stared at the elevator now closed elevator doors, silence filled the elevator as your gaze stayed locked in place. Shaking your head, you leaned over to hit the 'open door' button on the control panel, your finger hovered over the button for several seconds before quickly hitting the '4' button. The elevator jolted from its stopped position on floor 2 and began to ascend upwards once again, you felt bad for leaving Sal there but you have had enough spooky stuff for a while. 


A quiet knock woke you from your daze, pulling your mind away from the mindless television you'd been watching. Running a hand over your face you push yourself off of the couch and over to the door. A quiet creak emits from the door as you pull it open, standing on the other side is Sal, with what looked like his gearboy with a lot of extra parts, gripped in his hands.
The two of you stand in silence before Sal speaks up, "How are you feeling?" he questions, causing you to blink back into reality. Glancing around you quickly notice your notebook is nowhere to be found, with a defeated look you motion for Sal to enter your apartment before rushing off to your room to find the elusive object. 

Walking back to him you hold up your notebook, 'I'm fine now, sorry I ditched you like that,' you offer him a weak smile. 

Sal shakes his head, "No need to worry, I'm just glad nothing's wrong.." he trails off as his gaze lands on the gearboy in his hands. "Did anyone ever tell you the history of your apartment?" he questions his gaze snapping back up to you and you quickly shake your head. Lightly he taps his toe against the carpet of the living room, "Well.." he trails off again obviously hesitant about telling you. Leaning forward a bit you lightly tap Sal on the shoulder, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "A woman was murder in this apartment." 

With a roll of your eyes you scribble down a quick response, 'I assumed as much.' 

Rubbing the back of his neck, an air of nervousness radiating off the boy, "right here" he points his free hand down at the space the two were standing on and you immediately jump back.
Stumbling back slightly you quickly gain your balance back, 'Right in the middle of the living room floor?' Sal simply nods as his gaze drifts down to the green carpet, specifically the slightly discolored patches on it. 

Silence drifted over the both of you as you gazed at the stained carpet until Sal finally broke the silence, "We might be able to talk to her if you want." he looks up hopefully at you, you could easily tell that he really wanted to meet her. 

With a shaky nod, you agree and Sal adjusts his gearboy in his hand, this time a bright green light emits from the small screen before static fills your senses and a mute scream fills your ears. The figure of the woman you had seen last night stood before you, far less of a jump scare now than it had been the first time you saw her. 

"Mrs. Sanderson?" Sal's voice rings out beside you, breaking the silence that had consumed the three of you. 

She hums quietly as she glances between the both of you before she began speaking, the giant slit in her throat moving up and down like how her mouth should have been. "I know you" your gaze locks with Mrs. Sanderson for several seconds before she shifts to look at Sal, "but I can't say I'm familiar with you." Sal nervously introduces himself obviously just as off-put by the moving slit for a mouth just as you were. She smiles at the both of you before questioning Sal on the whereabouts of her husband Herman, as you simply listened on. It continued on like that for several minutes as memories seemed to flood back to her, only for her to be scared away by something beyond your comprehension. 

You and Sal stand in silence for several seconds, a shaky sigh escaping your throat as you stare at the spot where Mrs. Sanderson had been moments ago before, "It's a little freaking the first time, but don't worry you get used to it," you give him a look of surprise as Sal simply shrugs, making his way towards the door, "Do you still want to meet Megan?" He questions, glancing back at you, after a few moments of consideration you follow after him.

Another time, Another place [Sally Face Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now